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“I’ll not leave you and Sophie here,” Scathach said firmly. “We’re in

this together to the end. Whatever that may be.”

“It’s time to die, Nicholas Flamel,” Dee called out of the gloom. “I’ll

make sure to tell Perenelle about this moment in every little detail.”

A rustle ran through the mass of skeletal human and animal bodies, and

then, as one, they surged forward.

And a monster came out of the fog.

Huge and black, howling savagely, with two huge yellow-white eyes

and dozens of smaller eyes blazing, it drove straight through the Libbey Park

fountain, crushing it to powder, shattering the ornamental vases, and bore

down on Dr. John Dee.

The necromancer managed to fling himself to one side before the black

Hummer crashed into the wall, pounding it to dust. It stuck nose-down against

the remains of the wall, back wheels caught in the air, engine screaming. The

door opened and Josh climbed out and carefully lowered himself to the

ground. He was holding his chest where the seat belt had cut into it.

Ojai Avenue was littered with the remains of the long dead. Without

Dee to control them, they were just so many bones.

Josh staggered into the street and picked his way through the bones and

scraps of cloth. Something crunched beneath his feet, but he didn’t even look


Suddenly, the dead were gone.

Sophie didn’t know what had happened. There had been a tremendous

roar, a scream of tortured metal and a crunch of stone and then silence. And

in the silence, the dead had fallen down like windblown grass. What had Dee

summoned now?

A shape moved in the twisting fog.

Flamel gathered the last of his energy into a solid sphere of green glass.

Sophie straightened and tried to muster the dregs of her energy. Scathach

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