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“I didn’t think there were any wild boars in America,” Josh said, “and

certainly not in Mill Valley, California.”

“There are wild boars and pigs all over the Americas,” Flamel said

absently. “They were first brought over by the Spanish in the sixteenth


Josh shifted gears, eased off the accelerator and allowed the car to

move forward at a crawl. The road had come to a dead end. The barrier of

bushes, thorns and trees now stretched across the path. “End of the road,” he

announced, putting the car into park and setting the emergency brake. He

looked left and right. The boars had also stopped moving, and he could see

them, four to a side, watching. In the rearview mirror, he could see that the

two larger boars had stopped too. They were boxed in. What now, he

wondered, what now? He looked at his sister and knew she was thinking

exactly the same thing.

Nicholas Flamel leaned forward between the seats and looked at the

barrier. “I believe this is here to discourage the foolhardy who have traveled

this far. And if one were exceptionally foolish, one might be tempted to get

out of one’s vehicle.”

“But we are neither foolhardy nor foolish,” Scatty snapped. “So what

do we do?” She nodded at the boars. “I haven’t seen this breed in centuries.

They look like Gaulish war boars, and if they are, then they are virtually

impossible to kill. For every one we can see, there are probably at least

three more in the shadows, and that’s not counting their handlers.”

“These are not Gaulish; this particular breed has no need of handlers,”

Flamel said gently, the merest hint of his French accent surfacing. “Look at

their tusks.”

Sophie, Josh and Scatty turned to look at the tusks of the huge creatures

standing in the middle of the track behind them. “They’ve got some sort of

carvings on them,” Sophie said, squinting in the late-afternoon light. “Curls.”

“Spirals,” Scatty said, a touch of wonder in her voice. She looked at

Flamel. “They are Torc Allta?”

“Indeed they are,” Flamel said. “Wereboars.”

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