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The Morrigan and Dee turned to look at the Cat Goddess. The creature

raised a furry claw and pointed across the field. “It was the girl. Someone

spoke through her, someone who knew my true names, someone who used the

girl’s aura to wield a whip of pure energy: that’s what reversed our spells.”

Dee looked across the field where he had seen Flamel, Scatty and the

twins gathered around the oak tree. But there was no sign of them. He was

turning to order the surviving cats and birds to find them when he spotted

Senuhet staggering up. The old man was spattered with mud and blood—

though none of the blood seemed to be his—and he had lost one of his curved

bronze swords. The second had snapped in half.

“Flamel and the others have escaped,” he gasped. “I followed them out

of the Shadowrealm. They’re stealing our car,” he added indignantly.

Howling his rage, Dr. John Dee spun around and flung Excalibur at the

Yggdrasill. The stone blade struck the ancient World Tree, which tolled with

the solemn sound of a great bell. The single note, high-pitched and serene,

hung vibrating on the air…and then the Yggdrasill began to crack. Long

fractures and tears ran the height of the tree. They started small, but widened

as they raced upward in ragged patterns. Within moments the entire tree was

covered in the crazed zigzagging. Then the Yggdrasill shattered and came

crashing down on the ice statue of Hekate, crushing it to dust.

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