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humani have abandoned,” Hekate continued. She pressed her thumbs lightly

against Sophie’s eyes.

“To see with acuity…”

Sophie’s vision bloomed, and the darkened chamber came to blazing

light, every shadow picked out in exquisite detail. She could see each thread

and stitch on Hekate’s robe, could pick out individual hairs on her head and

follow the map of tiny wrinkles that were visibly growing at the corners of

her eyes.

“To hear with clarity…”

It was as if cotton had been pulled from Sophie’s ears. Suddenly, she

could hear. It was like the difference between listening to music on her iPod

headphones and then to the same track on her bedroom stereo. Every sound in

the room magnified and intensified: the wheezing of her brother’s breath

through his nostrils, the tiny shifting creaks of the huge tree above them, the

scritch-scratching of invisible creatures moving through the roots. Tilting her

head slightly, she could even hear the distant sounds of battle: the screeching

of birds, the roars of cats and the bellowing of boars.

“To taste with purity…”

Hekate’s fingers brushed Sophie’s lips and suddenly the girl was

conscious that her tongue was tingling. She licked her lips, finding traces of

the fruit she had eaten earlier and discovering that she could actually taste the

air—it was rich and earthy—and even distinguish the water droplets in the


“To touch with sensitivity…”

Sophie’s skin came alive. The fabrics against her skin—the soft cotton

of her T-shirt, the stiff denim of her jeans, the gold chain with her birth sign

around her neck, her warm cotton socks—all left different and distinct

impressions on her flesh.

“To smell with intensity…”

Sophie actually rocked backward with the sudden eye-watering

explosion of scents that invaded her: the spicy otherworldly odors of Hekate,

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