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boil through him. The stench of smoke, burning plastic and melting rubber

was abruptly concealed beneath the stink of sulfur, and his hand took on the

appearance of a golden metal glove. Dee punched straight through the door,

practically ripping it off its hinges, and flung himself out onto the cement


He was standing in the underground car park of Enoch Enterprises, the

huge entertainment company he owned and ran in San Francisco. He

scrambled back as his hundred-and fifty-thousand-dollar custom-made car

was quickly consumed by fire. Intense heat fused the front of the car into

irregular clumps of metal, while the windshield flowed like candle wax. The

Golem driver was still sitting at the wheel, unaffected by the intense heat,

which did nothing but bake its skin to iron hardness.

Then the garage’s overhead sprinkler system came on, and bitterly cold

water sprayed down onto the fire.


Soaked through, doubled over and coughing, Dee wiped tears from his

eyes, straightened and used both hands to douse the flames with a single

movement. He called up a tiny breeze to clear the smoke, then ducked his

head to peer into the blackened interior of the car, almost afraid of what he

would find.

The two Golems that had been sitting on either side of Perenelle were

now nothing more than ash. But there was no sign of the woman—except for

the rent in the opposite door that looked as if it had been hacked by an axe.

Dee folded to the ground with his back to the ruined car and beat both

hands into the filthy mixture of mud, oil, melted plastic and burnt rubber. He

hadn’t secured the entire Codex, and now Perenelle had escaped. Could this

day get any worse?

Footsteps tip-tapped.

From the corner of his eye, Dr. John Dee watched as pointy-toed,

stiletto-heeled black boots came into view. And he knew then the answer to

his question. The day was about to get worse: much worse. Fixing a smile on

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