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Hekate ignored the question and spun around to face Sophie and Josh.

Her tiny hand moved in the air and immediately the auras around the twins

flared to silver and golden light. She tilted her head to one side, looking at

them, watching the silver bubbles crawling along the cocoon that enveloped

Sophie, and following the tracery of golden veins that moved up and down

Josh’s aura. “You may be right,” she said eventually, “these may indeed be

the ones spoken of in the cursed Codex. It has been many centuries since I’ve

encountered auras so pure. They possess incredible untapped potential.”

Flamel nodded. “If I had the time, I would take them to be properly

trained, gradually Awaken their dormant powers…but events have conspired

against me, and time is that one precious commodity I do not have. It is

within your power to unlock their potential. You can do something in an

instant that it would normally take years to do.”

Hekate glanced over her shoulder at the Alchemyst. “And there are good

reasons why it should take many years,” she said dismissively. “The humani

barely use their senses. Yet you are proposing to Awaken these two to their

full potential. I will not do it: the sensory overload could destroy them, drive

them mad.”

“But—” Flamel began.

“I will not do it.” She turned back to the twins. “What he is asking me to

do could kill you—if you are lucky,” she said, and then turned and swept

from the room, leaving little grassy footprints in her wake.

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