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The cats of San Francisco left the city in the dead of night.

Singly and in pairs, feral and scarred street cats, plump, smooth-coated

house cats, all shapes, every size, purebred and mixed, long-haired and

shorthaired, they moved through the shadows in a silent feline wave. They

surged across the bridges, boiled through alleys, raced through the tunnels

beneath the streets, leapt across roofs.

All heading north.

They darted past shocked and terrified late-night revelers, skirted rats

and mice without stopping to feed, ignored birds’ nests. And although they

moved in complete silence, their passage was marked by an extraordinary


That night the city of San Francisco echoed with the primeval howls of

a hundred thousand dogs.

Dr. John Dee was unhappy.

And just a little bit frightened. It was all very well to talk about

attacking Hekate in her own Shadowrealm, but it was another thing entirely

to sit at the entrance to her invisible kingdom and watch the cats and birds

arrive, called by their respective mistresses, Bastet and the Morrigan. What

could those small creatures do against the ancient magic of Hekate of the

Elder Race?

Dee sat in a huge black Hummer alongside Senuhet, the man who acted

as Bastet’s servant. Neither of them had spoken during the short flight in

Dee’s private jet from L.A. to San Francisco earlier, though there were a

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