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briefly smoked before it cleared and Perenelle found she was looking at the

scene she had briefly glimpsed in the ghost’s eyes. Her husband was lying

under Bastet’s claws. Behind them, Scatty was struggling to hold off the

attacking cats and birds, while Josh stood with his back to a tree, awkwardly

clutching a branch like a baseball bat, striking out at anything that came too

close. Sophie lay at his feet, moving slowly, blinking in confusion.

Perenelle glanced up and down the corridor. She could hear noises in

the distance, footsteps against stone, and she knew more guards were

approaching. She could run and hide or she could fight the guards; she had a

little of her strength back. But that wasn’t going to help Nicholas and the


Perenelle looked back into the puddle. In the distance she could see

Hekate withstanding the combined attack of the Morrigan and her birds and

Bastet’s cats. Perenelle also spotted Dee moving around behind Hekate, the

sword in his hand glowing bright, poisonous blue, while behind them the

Yggdrasill burned with fierce red and green flames.

There was one other thing she could do. Something desperate and

dangerous, and if it succeeded, it would leave her utterly exhausted and

completely defenseless. Dee’s creatures would simply be able to pick her up

and carry her away.

Perenelle didn’t think twice.

Crouching over the puddle of dirty water, she placed her right hand,

palm up, in her left hand and concentrated fiercely. Perenelle’s aura began to

shift and move, flowing down her arms like drifting smoke, gathering in the

palm of her hand, running like liquid along the creases and lines in her flesh.

A tiny speck of silver-white light appeared in the folds of skin. It solidified

into a perfect sphere and then it started to spin and grow, and now the ice

white threads of her aura flowed more swiftly down her arms. Within a

heartbeat the sphere was the size of an egg, and then Perenelle suddenly

reversed her palm and thrust the ball of pure auric energy into the water. She

uttered three words.

“Sophie. Wake up!”

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