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“A car”—Scatty nodded in agreement—“that he would probably have

left just outside the Shadowrealm.”

Josh was about to ask how she knew he would have left it outside when

he suddenly realized he knew the answer. “Because he knew if he drove it in

here, the battery would be drained.”

“Look,” Scatty murmured.

They watched one of the huge, boarlike Torc Alltas emerge from the

long grass behind Dee. Although it was still in its beast shape, it rose on its

hind legs, until it reached nearly three times the height of the man.

“It’s going to kill him,” Josh murmured.

Dee’s sword flared bright blue, and then the small man threw himself

backward, toward the Torc Allta, bringing the sword around in a short arc.

The sudden movement seemed to surprise the creature, but it easily batted

aside the blade…and then it froze. Where the blade had touched it, a thin

sheath of ice grew up the beast’s arm, tiny crystals sparkling in the earlymorning

sunshine. The ice coated the Torc Allta’s chest and flowed down its

massive legs and up his shoulders and head. Within a matter of heartbeats the

creature was encased in a block of blue-veined ice. Dee picked himself up

off the ground, dusted off his coat and then, without warning, hammered on

the ice with the hilt of his sword. The block shattered into millions of tinkling

pieces, each one containing a fragment of the Torc Allta.

“One of the elemental swords,” Scatty remarked grimly, “Excalibur, the

Sword of Ice. I thought it was lost ages past, thrown back into the lake when

Artorius died.”

“Looks like the doctor found it,” Flamel murmured.

Josh discovered that he wasn’t even surprised to hear that King Arthur

had been real, and he found himself wondering which other legendary figures

had really existed.

They watched as Dee hurried back into the undergrowth, heading for the

other side of the huge tree house, where the sounds of battle were loudest.

The smell of smoke was stronger now. Sharp and bitter, it curled and twisted

around the tree, carrying with it the reek of ancient places and long-forgotten

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