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“I can drive,” Josh said, surprised that his voice sounded so calm and

steady, “I just didn’t say I was good at it. Do you think anyone got our license

plates?” he asked. This was nothing like one of his driving games! The palms

of his hands were slick and wet and beads of sweat were running down the

sides of his face. A muscle twitched in his right leg from the effort of keeping

the accelerator pressed hard to the floor.

“I think they’ve got other things to worry about,” Sophie whispered.

The crows had descended on the Golden Gate Bridge. Thousands of

them. They came in a black wave, cawing and screaming, wings cracking and

snapping. They hovered over the cars, darting low, occasionally even landing

on car roofs and hoods to peck at the metal and glass. Cars crashed and

sideswiped one another along the entire length of the bridge.

“They’ve lost focus,” Scathach said, watching the birds’ behavior.

“They’re looking for us, but they’ve forgotten our description. They have

such tiny brains,” she said dismissively.

“Something distracted their dark mistress,” Nicholas Flamel said.

“Perenelle,” he said delightedly. “I wonder what she did. Something

dramatic, no doubt. She always did have a sense of the theatrical.”

But even as he was speaking, the birds rose into the air again, and then,

as one, their black eyes turned in the direction of the fleeing black SUV. This

time when they cawed, it sounded like screams of triumph.

“They’re coming back,” Sophie said quickly, breathlessly. She realized

that her heart was pumping hard against her rib cage. She looked at Flamel

and the Warrior for support, but their grim expressions gave her no comfort.

Scathach looked at her and said, “We’re in trouble now.”

In a huge black-feathered mass, the crows took off after the car.

Most of the traffic on the bridge was now stalled. People sat frozen in

terror in their cars as the birds flowed, foul and stinking, over the roofs. The

SUV was the only car moving. Josh had his foot pressed flat to the floor, and

the needle on the speedometer hovered close to eighty. He was becoming

more comfortable with the controls—he hadn’t hit anything for at least a

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