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“I’ve never been more sure.”

They both knew what remained unsaid: neither wanted to be left behind

if anything happened during the Awakening.

Josh finally nodded. He then squeezed his sister’s hand and they both

turned to face the Alchemyst, Hekate and Scatty.

“We’re ready,” the twins said.

“The Morrigan is here,” Scatty informed them as they followed

Nicholas and Hekate through the huge door into the heart of the tree. She had

changed into black pants, a high-necked black T-shirt that left her arms bare

and thick-soled combat boots. She wore two short swords strapped to her

back, the hilts protruding slightly over her shoulders, and had daubed her

eyes and cheekbones with a black dye that gave her face a startlingly skulllike

appearance. “She’s brought Bastet with her. They’re already surging into

the Shadowrealm.”

“Hekate can hold them back, can’t she?” Sophie asked. She only had an

inkling of the goddess’s powers, but the thought that there was something

more powerful than her was terrifying.

Scatty shrugged. “I have no idea. They’ve arrived in force; they’ve

brought their armies with them.”

“Armies?” Josh echoed. “What kind of armies? More mud people?”

“No Golems this time. They have brought the birds of the air and the

cats of the earth with them.”

Sophie laughed shakily. “Birds and cats…what can they do?”

Scatty glanced at the girl, the whites of her eyes startling against the

black war paint. “You saw what the birds did to the car on the way here.”

Sophie nodded, suddenly feeling sick in the pit of her stomach. Images

of the filthy black crows battering the windshield and pecking holes in the

metal hood would haunt her to her dying day.

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