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Book. I saw him trap the Magic of First Working, the oldest magic, in its


“I apologize,” Flamel said quickly. “I did not know.”

“There is no reason you should have known.” Hekate smiled, but there

was nothing humorous in it. “That eldritch magic is so strong that most of my

people cannot even bear to look upon the letters. Those who came after the

original Elder Race, though still of our blood”—and here she gestured

toward Scathach—“can look upon the Codex, though even they cannot touch

it. The ape descendents—the humani—can. It was Abraham’s ultimate joke.

He married one of the first humani, and I believe he wanted to ensure that

only his children could handle the book.”

“We’re the ape descendents,” Josh said, his voice unconsciously

dropping to little more than a whisper.

“The humani…the human race,” Sophie said, then fell silent as Flamel

continued talking.

“Is that why the Book was given into my keeping?”

“You are not the first of the humani to…to care for the Codex,” Hekate

said carefully. “It should never have been created in the first place,” she

snapped, threads of red and green running like live wires on her robe. “I

advocated that every single page should be separated from the others and

dropped into the nearest volcano, and Abraham along with it.”

“Why wasn’t it destroyed?” Nicholas asked.

“Because Abraham had the gift of Sight. He could actually see the

curling strands of time, and he prophesied that there would come a day when

the Codex and all the knowledge it contained would be needed.”

Scatty stepped away from the SUV and approached Flamel. She was

still holding the bow loosely by her side, and she noted how Hekate’s buttercolored

eyes watched her closely.

“The Book of the Mage was always assigned a guardian,” Scathach

explained to Flamel. “Some, history recalls as the greatest heroes of myth,

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