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Every vehicle was spattered and splotched with white bird droppings. She

looked at her brother and saw with a shock that there was a tiny smear of

blood on his bottom lip. She pulled a tissue from her pocket. “You’re cut!”

she said urgently, licking the edge of the tissue and dabbing at her twin’s


Josh pushed her hand away. “Stop. That’s disgusting.” He touched his

lip with his little finger. “I must have bit it. I didn’t even feel it.” He took the

tissue from his sister’s hand and rubbed his chin. “It’s nothing.” Then he

smiled quickly. “Did you see the mess the birds left back there?” Sophie

nodded. He made a disgusted face. “Now, that is going to smell!”

Sophie leaned back against the seat, relieved that her brother was fine.

When she’d seen the blood she’d been truly frightened. A thought struck her

and she turned around to look at Flamel. “Did you call up the wind?”

He smiled and shook his head. “No, I’ve no control over the elements.

That skill rests solely with the Elders and a very few rare humans.”

Sophie looked at Scatty, but the Warrior shook her head. “Beyond my

very limited abilities.”

“But you did summon the wind?” Sophie persisted.

Flamel handed Sophie back her phone. “I just phoned in a request,” he

said, and smiled.

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