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“There will come a time when the Book is taken…”

Well, that was fairly self-explanatory.

“…And the Queen’s man is allied with the Crow….”

That had to refer to Dr. John Dee. He had been Queen Elizabeth’s

personal magician. And the Crow was clearly the Crow Goddess.

“Then the Elder will step out of the Shadows…”

Flamel knew that Dee had been working for centuries with the Dark

Elders to bring about their return. He had heard unconfirmed reports that

more and more of the Dark Elders had left their Shadowrealms and begun to

explore the world of the humani again.

“…And the immortal must train the mortal. The two that are one must

become the one that is all.”

Nicholas Flamel was the immortal of the prophecy. He was sure of it.

The twins—“the two that are one”—must be the mortal who needed to be

trained. But he had no idea what the last phrase referred to: “the one that is


Circumstances had placed the twins in his care, and he was determined

that no harm should come to them, especially now that he believed they were

destined to play a critical role in the war against the Dark Elders. Nicholas

knew that bringing Josh and Sophie to the Goddess with Three Faces had

been an incredible risk—especially in the company of Scathach. The

Warrior’s feud with the goddess was older than most civilizations. Hekate

was one of the most dangerous of the Elders. Immensely powerful, one of her

many skills enabled her to Awaken the magical powers that existed in every

sentient creature. However, like many of the Elders, her metabolism was

linked to a solar or lunar cycle. She aged during the day, and effectively died

when the sun went down, but was then reborn with the sunrise as a young

woman. This peculiar trait clouded and colored her thinking, and sometimes,

as had happened earlier, the older Hekate forgot the promises her younger

selves had made. Flamel was hoping he would be able to reason with the

maiden Hekate in the morning and convince her to Awaken the twins’

extraordinary potential.

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