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“I know the prophecy,” Hekate snapped, her dress now shot through

with red and black veins. “I was there when the old fool made it.”

Flamel was about to ask a question, but kept his mouth shut.

“He was never wrong either,” Hekate muttered. “He knew that Danu

Talis would sink beneath the waves and that our world would end.”

“He also predicted it would come again,” Flamel reminded her. “When

‘the two that are one and the one that is all’ have arrived, when the sun and

moon are united.”

Hekate tilted her head and her slit-pupiled eyes flickered toward Josh

and Sophie. “Gold and silver, sun and moon.” She turned back to Flamel.

“Do you believe them to be the basis of the prophecy?”

“Yes,” he said simply, “I do. I have to.”


“Because with the Codex now gone, Dee can begin to bring back the

Dark Elders. If the twins are those mentioned in the prophecy, then, with

proper training, I might be able to use them to prevent that…and to help me

rescue Perry.”

“And if you are mistaken?” Hekate wondered aloud.

“Then I have lost the love of my life, and this world and all the humani

on it are lost. But if we are to have any chance of success, I need your help.”

Hekate sighed. “It’s been a long time…a very long time since I took a

student.” She turned to look at Scathach. “And that didn’t turn out too well.”

“This is different. This time you would be working with raw talent,

pure, untainted power. And we don’t have a lot of time.” Flamel drew in a

deep breath and spoke formally in the ancient language of the sunken island

of Danu Talis. “Daughter of Perses and Asteria, you are the Goddess of

Magic and Spells, I ask you to Awaken the twins’ magical powers.”

“And if I do it—what then?” Hekate demanded.

“Then I will teach them the Five Magics. Together we will retrieve the

Codex and save Perenelle.”

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