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“Turn here,” Nicholas Flamel instructed.

Josh eased his foot off the accelerator and turned the battered and

scarred SUV down a long narrow track that was barely wide enough to

accommodate the car. They had spent the last thirty minutes driving north out

of San Francisco, listening to the increasingly hysterical radio reports as a

succession of experts gave their opinions about the bird attack on the bridge.

Global warming was the most commonly cited theory: the sun’s radiation

interfering with the birds’ natural navigation system.

Flamel directed them north, toward Mill Valley and Mount Tamalpais,

but they quickly left the highway and stuck to narrow two-lane roads. Traffic

thinned out until there were long stretches where they were the only car in

sight. Finally, on a narrow road that curved and turned with sickening

complexity, he had Josh slow almost to a crawl. He rolled down his window

and peered out into a thick forest that came right up to the edge of the road.

They had actually driven past the unmarked path before Flamel spotted it.

“Stop. Go back. Turn here.”

Josh looked at his sister as he eased the car onto the rough, unpaved and

rutted track. Her hands were folded in her lap, but he could see that her

knuckles were white with tension. Her nails, which had been neat and perfect

only a few hours previously, were now rough and chewed, a sure sign of her

stress. He reached over and squeezed her hand; she squeezed tightly in

return. As with so much of the communication between them, there was no

need for words. With their parents away so much, Sophie and Josh had

learned from a very early age that they could only really depend on

themselves. Moving from school to school, neighborhood to neighborhood,

they often found it difficult to make and keep friends, but they knew that

whatever happened, they would always have each other.

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