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They didn’t share those feelings that identical twins often spoke about—

feeling pain when the other twin was hurt, knowing when they were in

trouble—but right now he could feel his sister’s distress. He only wished

there was something he could do to ease her pain.

Almost as if she could read his mind, Scatty said suddenly, “There is

something I can do that might help.” The twins picked up on the note of

hesitation in her voice. “It will not hurt,” she added quickly.

“It can’t hurt more than what I’m feeling now,” Sophie whispered. “Do

it,” she said quickly.

“I need your permission first.”

“Soph—” Josh began, but his sister ignored him.

“Do it,” Sophie repeated. “Please,” she begged.

“I’ve told you I am what you humani call a vampire….”

“You are not drinking her blood!” Josh yelled, horrified. His stomach

flipped over at the thought.

“I’ve told you before, my clan do not drink blood.”

“I don’t care—”

“Josh,” Sophie interrupted angrily, her aura winking into existence for a

second with her anger, filling the interior of the shop with the sudden

sweetness of vanilla ice cream. A display of glass wind chimes tinkled and

rattled in an unfelt breeze. “Josh, be quiet.” She swiveled in the seat to look

at Scatty. “What do you want me to do?”

“Give me your right hand.”

Sophie immediately stretched out her hand and Scatty took it in both of

hers. Then she carefully matched the fingers of her left hand to the girl’s

fingers, thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger, little finger to little

finger. “Blood drinking vampires,” she said absently, concentrating on

aligning their hands, “are really the weakest, the lowliest of our clan. Have

you ever wondered why they drink blood? They’re actually dead—their

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