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Josh snorted derisively.

Flamel glanced over his shoulder. “It’s true. The aura has even been

photographed by a Russian couple called the Kirlians. The electrical field

surrounds every living organism.”

“What does it look like?” Sophie asked.

Flamel tapped his finger on the shop window. “Just like that: a glow

around the body. Everyone’s aura is unique—different colors, different

strengths. Some glow solidly, others pulse. Some appear around the edge of

the body, other auras cloak the body like an envelope. You can tell a lot from

a person’s aura: whether they are ill or unhappy, angry or frightened, for


“And you can see these auras?” Sophie said.

Flamel shook his head, surprising them. “No, I cannot. Perry can,

sometimes. I cannot. But I know how to channel and direct the energy. That’s

what you were seeing earlier today: pure auric energy.”

“I think I’d like to learn how to do that,” Sophie said.

Flamel glanced at her quickly. “Be careful what you wish for. Every use

of power has a cost.” He held out his hand. Sophie and Josh crowded around

on the quiet side street. Flamel’s hand was visibly trembling. And when

Sophie looked into his face, she noticed that his eyes were bloodshot. “When

you use auric energy, you burn as many calories as if you had run a marathon.

Think of it like draining a battery. I doubt I could have lasted very much

longer against Dee back there.”

“Is Dee more powerful that you?”

Flamel smiled grimly. “Infinitely.” Shoving his hands back into the

pockets of his leather jacket, he continued down the street, Sophie and Josh

now walking on either side of him. In the distance, the Golden Gate Bridge

began to loom over the rooftops. “Dee has spent the past five centuries

developing his powers; I’ve spent that same time hiding mine, concentrating

only on those few little things I needed to do to keep Perenelle and myself

alive. Dee was always powerful, and I dread to think what he is capable of

now.” At the bottom of the hill he paused, looking left and right, then abruptly

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