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Scatty looked over his shoulder into the gloomy chamber. “You’re

asking a lot of them. When are you going to tell them the whole truth?” she


“In time…,” he began.

“Time is something you do not have,” Scatty murmured. “You’ve started

to age. I can see it in your face, around your eyes, and there’s more gray in

your hair.”

Flamel nodded. “I know. The immortality spell is breaking down.

Perenelle and I will begin to age a year for every day we go without the

formulation for immortality. We will be dead by the end of the month. But by

then it will not matter. If the Dark Elders succeed, the world of the humani

will have already ceased to exist.”

“Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.” Scatty turned her back on

Flamel, then sank to the ground, back straight, her legs folded, feet turned

high on her thighs in a full lotus position, arms outstretched, palms wrapped

around the hilts of the swords that were lying across her lap. If the cats or

birds broke into the house and found the corridor, they would have to get past

her to find Hekate—and the Warrior would make them pay dearly.

Hekate had given Flamel a short staff made of a branch of the

Yggdrasill, and now, holding it in both hands, he took up a position directly

outside the door to the chamber where the goddess was working with the

twins. If any of the invaders did manage to get past Scathach, they would then

face him. Scatty would fight with her swords, hands and feet, but his

weapons were potentially even more destructive. He held up his hand and the

narrow space grew heavy with the smell of mint as his aura flickered and

sparked into green life around him. Though he was still powerful, every use

of magic weakened him and drew on his life force. Scatty was right; he had

started to age. He could feel tiny aches and vague pains where there had been

none before. Even his eyesight was no longer as sharp as it had been only the

day before. If he was forced to use his powers, it would speed the aging

process, but he was determined to give Hekate all the time she needed. He

turned to look over his shoulder, trying to penetrate the gloom. What was

happening in there?

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