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alone faced down the Night Hag and her Undead army. You’ve spent more

than half a millennium reading and studying the Codex, no one is more

familiar with the stories and legends it holds—” Scatty stopped suddenly and

gasped, green eyes widening. “That’s what this is about,” she said. “This is

to do with the legend….”

Flamel reached out and pressed his forefinger to Scatty’s lips,

preventing her from saying another word. His smile was enigmatic. “Do you

trust me?” he asked her eventually.

Her response was immediate. “Without question.”

“Then trust me. I want you to protect the twins. And train them,” he


“Train them! Do you know what you’re asking?”

Flamel nodded. “I want you to prepare them for what is to come.”

“And what is that?” Scathach asked.

“I have no idea”—Flamel smiled—“except that it is going to be bad.”

“We’re fine, Mom, honestly, we’re fine.” Sophie Newman tilted the cell

phone slightly so that her brother could listen in. “Yes, Perry Fleming was

feeling sick. Something she ate, probably. She’s fine now.” Sophie could feel

the beads of sweat gathering in the small hairs at the back of her neck. She

was uncomfortable lying to her mother—even though her mother was so

wrapped up in her work that she never bothered to check.

Josh and Sophie’s parents were archaeologists. They were known

worldwide for their discoveries, which had helped reshape modern

archaeology. They were among the first in their field to discover the

existence of the new species of small hominids that were now commonly

called Hobbits in Indonesia. Josh always said that their parents lived five

million years in the past and were only happy when they were up to their

ankles in mud. The twins knew that they were loved unconditionally, but they

also knew that their parents simply didn’t understand them…or much else

about modern life.

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