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reached an opening. We’re at the end of a thick root, about thirty yards away

from the main body of the tree. We’re well clear of the fighting,” she added.

Josh rounded a corner and discovered Scatty standing bathed in shafts

of early-morning sunshine that shone through a curtain of vines directly ahead

of her. She turned to face him, sunlight turning her red hair golden and

running along the blades of her short swords, and in that moment, Josh saw

her as the ancient and terrifying Warrior she was. The sounds of battle were

all around them, but louder than all the other noises was the groaning rumble

that seemed to vibrate deep in the ground. “What is that sound?” he asked.

“The cries of the Yggdrasill,” Scatty answered grimly. “Hekate’s

enemies have set light to the World Tree.”

“But why?” He found the very idea horrifying—this ancient living tree

had harmed no one. But the action gave him an insight into the contempt with

which the Dark Elders held life.

“Her powers are inextricably linked to it; her magic brought it to

towering life, its life force keeps her strong. They believe that by destroying

it, they will destroy her.”

Flamel came panting up the steps to stand behind Josh. The Alchemyst’s

thin face was bright red and beaded with sweat. “Getting old,” he said with a

wry smile. He looked at Scatty. “What’s the plan?”

“Simple,” she began, “we get away from here as quickly as possible.”

Then she spun the sword in her left hand so that the blade was lying flat

against the length of her arm. She pointed with the hilt. Flamel and Josh stood

close to her and peered out through the curtain of vines. On the opposite side

of the field, Dr. John Dee had appeared, moving cautiously through the

undergrowth. The black-bladed short sword that he held in both hands

glowed and flickered with a cold blue light.

“Dee,” Flamel said. “Never in my life would I have imagined being

delighted to see him. This is good news indeed.”

Both Scatty and Josh looked at him in surprise.

“Dee is human…which means that he came here via human

transportation,” the Alchemyst explained.

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