ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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.J : 'k---THE \Etl E\GLk.\y fOIQ•v,U, of mCDICt\E<br />


D~,toxT T J, .t>P<br />

prnalttnq an0 tuhq canC .r es ot qrtat pupt,C Matth rmM•<br />

tdnoa rS4mi pffvtous ttutl,ts hava Wq ;tttro that txpP .<br />

aur• to MvtrOnmfnta1 tLCaCco lmptti m!rN AouNnOtO<br />

can uus4 tunq cancst• W ottWn Mva tarnd no anatt .<br />

Snw+, .inQ by mi spousa has bftn Pha m0i1 COAtMOnty<br />

us .c measurt of t'h,s atposur•<br />

blrrfzoas In ord .r to W ttrm,na wharhar k,nq ca•+cyr y<br />

anicciata•6 w,tr axposura to tobacca smo+c• wrCvn ma<br />

MuselroiC wt conaucu-C a paputaton•basea use•••con .<br />

trot Sludy of 1qt pat,tnti witn hiitOtOQ Ca y Wn1i Ky pn•<br />

ma'y tunQ canct, w*a haC rNvt• amoksC dn0 an ~ua<br />

numthlr Ot ptrsOni wtth0ut fung CanCar wtto ha .'. M1fvpt<br />

trnokoCS Ltatima rts,0tnlia ; hiftonaS tnGIutltrg M1tOtTn&•<br />

tWn on ttp63utt to tnvironmtntal tobacco 1mOtcf wart<br />

OOrnp1llC and ana yYtC ExpOtWp waa fiRasurlO,n Itrma<br />

ot'sToka'•yaa't catt'r+,ina•C by muqtp+y,nq tht numbar<br />

of ysars fn aach rall0anca by 1fH numbar Ot trnpk!•'Y dn<br />

" hous .haa<br />

T HE 1972 Surseon General's report dealt with the<br />

health consequrnces of passtte smoktns or en~i•<br />

ronmental tobacco smolte for the fint ttme ` In 1986<br />

the entire report was de%oted to the usuc : it concluded<br />

that ••rn\olunlar\ smoktnS is a cause of disease tnciud•<br />

ing lun>S <strong>cancer</strong> tn healthti non•smolers "= llore than<br />

a dozen tptdemtoloStc stud,es ha .e a3srssed the rela•<br />

tion bet"ten patsa~t smoicani and lun ; <strong>cancer</strong> }'r The<br />

(indine ha~e ran5ed from no detectable increase in<br />

nsk'"' to a moderate (about twofofd), stattstiealir tis•<br />

nificant incrcue "Most studies ha~c found onlv<br />

small ele~ations in risk, which art frequently not >.hu atrs ctrmCil*we 13 ea<br />

trrt .rsth approxtrnact}, 125 4uSnwuc tar ttrsnR+ent fac,t,lm an<br />

ppu4uan Yaar sf ntarf~ 10 mtllwn pevplr , tprttai rtlrm fa<br />

rap .d autrtunmrnt k tasrt o( tunt cbnctr rac n+ablahM! ln th<br />

115 tactluln to lha, panrnu cavl@ ar .denliRrd and ennikd u a,<br />

afirt d,aq++osrt u pats,btt ilt we- taat+ ef 1mnK canrn ,i .atrno<br />

etMfcail,, k;utolorcaJt., of bothl trt rtrulaN, drn,rfifd a,<br />

pnx,t.ann; hoep,uL 't'ht %*t• . 9'ark State Can :r Yi.t;uln<br />

thtekrd rtwtanti• ta .drnuh an- r~ ,Aa, .eyh, aa~t bt•rt a4i<br />

1e+ I~t~+t~ ~lwt~p,ui•Kaard lte~Ywrtl>K t .arm<br />

l~1lV,il4ttan tn tin~i,t4 MaJ7 lNL{ltltv ab1a111rfJ frs~ n1t'!tY<br />

mrdfesi rre .rdt A1i tht tatr Ptcxau npntd u MaweS w,<br />

tn,owrd .r u k.mrr smckan of .k,aw fn+atMt t+urr, eu<br />

tAc.w KK ttmtattk ia . utr.phau and thrrr smsiny tutw<br />

tanarYned Te Ya Mdudcd u a'tare' M tlu atwt ., a pnrnt R.<br />

rts,It IA 11N TJi'BUnf,, ans k 4tt•rrn 2@ an6 /0 .esn rf<br />

Wvtr lu .t tmoktd R+ort t}un tt70 tysrtltn lnansnwlrht of t<br />

1TOl,rif at tWnt UR1t aul nat lU~t tlf+6ard t>sart than 100 c1rtP<br />

i . tl.t It) +tsn Yn•fort /urart t6a .+nrr an+skrni W ka .t i<br />

~ n+ . tiufi,au .t pnrnan iuty tYetn Irtwern Juh 1 1!i?<br />

Ckcrrnber 111, 11i+ . ttul .at etMfirmt! sr, rresaft .•tt .an et<br />

'athoi,ficiJ stecuntns anal chnltal rtcarda Stfde+ w NaW o,<br />

wt .rrr a+i"tat>'k Sof all kat S,'t at tAt tast'atKnn U7 rnatt<br />

an rtnt•. .ed 4. MrtsnSston he .as fttndrd vrcF rrapa•ct I<br />

~suert's rueul dla~no+u anokuq l»loe~ aM atMrr rttl iaf<br />

laumw .+ t .erc c+Rductad .ttA 16 ;wrrcent ®( +ht rt.g~btt p.t~<br />

at tAcu ttoet+t avutaak retauvek s+ hunAt twrrqtt"t<br />

Conti'9t aYIt)tSu trt tadlvdual1r r+auhed t0 ls4 tsurriu<br />

tie+v stirctrd !r scrstnlry ttx >Tiln t( thr wr. Yrri Stttt dk<br />

sitxt .f t,{ata Vrlucln T'4r trrrrt .f can+rolr .u t4rs),<br />

apptt+¢tult kact It ru p»putaust.ba .ed anA prro .Nhd aws+t, c<br />

rsarnuuon atcruar. to perforra t!t anatch,nS A bi af po,<br />

tor,trct tut.pecu fw tatR uat paurnl .at wLrctrd .n t!w iss<br />

a ;r (adun f vt vt+nt, trs . and twMr. .! m,drncr Pstrnlu<br />

trot eub)rtu wtts trntantd b+ ukpl,ofu TTt finl el+t+tatt n<br />

rho as Sound to nutth tAt sast Hl+znl tn trrmi st nnoa nt<br />

ty tttionstnsirr st Sormcr tn+alrr t and aw aS+red ts Wlnps<br />

enrollyd u tht stud~ An add,lwnal ~sctch,n~ ~ansbk carudr<br />

thr umt .( dlta COLKUas aao tht nqr .I u+ttnw . - t t ._<br />

ifttcrv,c~ rMti, st,t pawnt .f caAwt tuh)ect .tnut r+lmuv<br />

wrrnisu respaMent WAtn a surr .,Ktu caa< ptiunl 1,ad<br />

i.urrvx ...r/, .t a.too u+unuor! s wrtnSsu tar As w k.t1 m~<br />

~iqV<br />

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J"A<br />

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