ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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MisclissiGcation on diuase uatus occurs wbce diaposcs otber t .ban prinn cxscinotri of<br />

tbe luag are induded in tbe easc series or .rbeo a primary eancer of tbe lubg is iucluded among tbc<br />

contsols due to iu ksaviag 6one uadcteaed Garftakcl et &i . reponed that of 283 .+omcn listcd as<br />

luving lu.ag ea,nar in bospita, rteords but sritb no mention of tDeir having r .n;,aked, 36 (12 .")rc)<br />

tvrncd out to b.avc diWoeet oeber tbin Iuag eaacer wbcn the histologv .ras reviee+ed by one of thc<br />

autisors (8) .<br />

ln uud.ies in whicb kiixtotooc vcritieation of lt,tng ea .oeer is a eriterion for indusion in tbe<br />

srudy, mi«liccifiution tbould bx minimaJ . Nov~rcvcr, tiomc of tbe uudies listed in Table 1 wcrc<br />

lsc.king this for all cucs .<br />

lt sbouild a1so bc mcntioncd that ev=a vbca luag a.ncer is biuologacally veriftcd, it is<br />

posssble that t:omc eases judgcd to b~e pr~mary sa.nc.er of tbe <strong>lung</strong> arc aaually r~eeoadary io a cay :cr<br />

of anotber sitc that bas gonc undete.ued<br />


This is a geater problcm tbas asussment of discasc status, and for somc i .nvestigators it<br />

is tbc key problem of epidcmiofogic ctud .ies of ETS a.ad luag eanccr (9,10) .<br />

Misclassi.ficat .ion of esposure szatus un occur in a Aumbcr of ways . F'ust, subjects p~o<br />

bsvc t;mokcd for s.omc period of thcis lifc c.in be erroncously iacluded in a t;tudy of tacver smokcrs<br />

Se .cond, subjcas may uadcr•repon (minimize) or over•repon (inllate) tbcir ETS exposusc, or this<br />

may be done by proxies . A t.isird type of misrlassifrcauon ean occur .rben trome iadireu measu : c<br />

(zucb as .rbcther tbc subjea is maNied to a smoker or bow mucb t4sc spouse amokes) is tued as a :z<br />

iadicator of ETS <strong>exposure</strong> . The cffect of misclassificution oe abe estirnate of tbe RR depends on<br />

Wbctbcr thc m'tsclassification is random or diffcrcntia) (tbat is tystcmatic) . Random misdissiTic•a ;ion<br />

wilJ bias tbc estimate of tbe RR towud tbe taul .l, thus making an eFfeu, if tbere is one, more d ;uicult<br />

to dcteu . If misrJassifieation oa ezposurc differs ber*'cte eases asd eoatrols, tbe estimste of the RR<br />

ca.n be bi.ased eitbcr upwuds or dovrnwards dcpendiag on the d'ueuion of t .bc bi.as (11) .<br />

MLSclGJS(fica.rion of Acr1vC sr/loktrl a.t f1CYtr Jrrloklr3 .<br />

Garfinkcl and eo- .+orkers found that among <strong>lung</strong> eancer w .es ideatiTed as 'saonsmokcrs'<br />

or lacki.ng aay mention of t:moking in the bospital reeord, 40% vcrc revule.d to have smokcd up, n<br />

reinterview (8) . AJtbougb a detailed persana] interview yields more acGwatc ssnokiag histories tba:<br />

reliince on bospital ebarts, it is sti11 likcly that, evtn .+bcn eubjc= are diruxly intenicwcd and morc<br />

w*?bca various prwoes ase ttud, aomc miulsssification of ttmokers as ootumokers Dccurs .<br />

Let his argued that random misrlassificatioa of emokers as aoa•uaokers eouple .d witL a<br />

tendcnry of t:mokcrs to marry tsmokers eould account for the obscrved usocat .ion of aspousc's<br />

znoking and iace .ascd <strong>lung</strong> canr:er risk in non•smoking :pouses (9) . Lssuming a SCr<br />

ci •t~~~__iFiution of amok.ing subje.cts, a RR of 2D for aa .ivc smoking„ no truc eficct of passivc<br />

tmol`in& and a betwcen•tpotuc tmoking concordance of 3,

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