ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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estimates in the former settings may retlect<br />

etunce, some recnl) bias, or the potential<br />

for a larger nt.lmber of smokers<br />

and smoke <strong>exposure</strong>s in these settings,<br />

Workplace ETS <strong>exposure</strong> has receivedless<br />

attention than domestic ETS <strong>exposure</strong><br />

in studies of <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> to date ;<br />

however, monitoring of ETS or its conatituentL<br />

in workplace settings has demonstrated<br />

detertable markers of ETS by<br />

penwnal air monitoring and biomarke .ls<br />

with average concentrations similar to<br />

residential levels but writh higher maximwn<br />

v»lues .l In a etudy of workplace<br />

ETS, the correlation between number of '<br />

smokers encountered during a workshiil<br />

and personal sampler nicotine concentration<br />

(micrograms per cubic meter) was<br />

0 .'6,.`y (Pj <strong>cancer</strong> tn Texaa, !n : Iltull M,<br />

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{- Gw Y, Blot WJ, Zheng W, et al, Lung eancer<br />

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1, GarGnkel L . Auert,arJ 0, Joubert L. lnvdutr<br />

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J Natl Caweer lut 1985,75 :463-469 .<br />

10, Gen= G, LianQ ZH, Zhant GL On the relatim,<br />

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Aolc 1(, Hutmichi S, Tominags S, edsSmoktnq<br />

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11. Humble CG, Samet JSf, Patluk DR . M .mage<br />

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Elsevier Soenee Pubtuhers; 198&283-285,<br />

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14, Ktbst GC, Vlynder EL. Lung canaer in nonamoicen<br />

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19 . Lee PN, CLarnberiain J, Akerwn YR, Retation<br />

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!6. Liu Z, He X, Chapman RS . Smoidrty and other<br />

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i3. BobGx T, SauJd R, N akayanu N, et al• PaasSve<br />

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14, Bvensaon C, P<strong>ets</strong>}um G, Kkxniaxk J . Smah-<br />

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