ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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Iru . J Cancer: 39, 1ti2-169 (1987) ~. . P<br />

0 1987 Alan R . L.iss, Inc .<br />



Litsda C . Koot, John H-C . Ho~, Daisy SA'w3 and Ching-yet Hot<br />

il3ept of Communitv Medicirte, Univrrsirl of Ho+tg Kn+t ; . Hong Kong : 2Radiwhtrapy Drpr ., 6aprisr Hospiral, Kowloon,<br />

fa'ong Kong : and 3/ruriswe of Parholog) . Qurrn Efi ;ehrrh Hosptrcl, 14jlir Road, Kowloon . Hong Kong .<br />

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t.Hetime e :powrss to enviro~nm.ntat tobacco smoke from 28 .t}00 inhabitir,ts/km2, with tmly<br />

the home ac workptaci for tY "rsever-smoked" ferrule <strong>lung</strong> a{uce per person .<br />

eancer patienu and 137 "t+ev.rsrnoked " district contr-alt were<br />

S m2 of available living<br />

•stimated in Hong Kong to a .ueu the possibie causal rotationship<br />

of passive ,mokint to <strong>lung</strong> tincer risk . llelat}.e risks<br />


based on the husband's unokint habits, or lifetime estimatas<br />

of total yean, total hours, maan hoursiday, or totsl ciraraest<br />

day unok .d by aach houuhold smoker did not show dosa<br />

rsponse rawta . Similarly, when such catetories as mean<br />

hours.~day, or earlier age of inicial eapowra, were combined<br />

with Ygan of expoture, there were no apparent Increases in<br />

From 1981-3, E8 never-smoked female <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> patients<br />

and 137 never-smoked female district controls were interviewed<br />

as pan of a larger retrospective study of femalc <strong>lung</strong><br />

<strong>cancer</strong> in Hong Kong covering 200 cases :nd 200 controls In<br />

the orig nal study . pauents were matched with an equal numbtr<br />

relative risk . However, when the data were sepe=ated by of healthy controls by age (f S years), district of residence<br />

histological type and location of the primary tumor, it was (N-34), and housing type (pubGc or private housing), the<br />

asen t.hat peripheral tumon in the middle or bwer bbes, or, laner being in indication of soc)o-economic status Det3ils of<br />

fess strongly, squamous or smalt-cell tumors In the middle or<br />

}ower tob*s, had incrsuint ratauve ritkt that might lndicate<br />

some assotiatlon with pauive srt .ohin= eaposure .<br />

subject selection, <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> histological typing, and method<br />

of conducting the interviews have been discussed elsewhere<br />

(Koo et al ., 1983, 198A) . Never-srrwked subjects wrre defintxl<br />

as those who had smokeA less than 20 cigarenes ip the pasi .<br />

Epidemiologieal dsu linking passive smoking %kith <strong>lung</strong> All dau on ~assive smoking <strong>exposure</strong>s were double-checked<br />

<strong>cancer</strong> among non-smokers have been controversial Six studies<br />

(Htnyama, 1981 ; Trichopouios ei al„ 1981 ; Correa ci al .,<br />

1983 ; Knoth et al ., 1983 ; Miller, 1984 ; Garfinkel ri at ., 1985)<br />

found significantty elevated relative risks (RR) in the range of<br />

2 .0 to 3 .5 based on the smoking tubits of the spouse . Five<br />

other studies (Garfsnkel, 1981 ; Kabat and Wynder, 1984, Chan<br />

and Fung, 1982 ; Koo ei af ., 1984 ; Wu cr al . 1985) two of<br />

which were conducted in Hong Kong, did not find significantly<br />

elevated RR from inhalation of sidestream tobacco smoke<br />

Four of these epidemiological studies (Hinyama, 1981 . Trichopoulos<br />

er al ., 1981 ; Garfinkel, 1981 ; Chan and Fung,<br />

1982) defsned <strong>exposure</strong> solely by two questions : whether the<br />

spouse smoked (yestno), and the number of cigarenes smnked<br />

per day by the spouse . Five other studies (Correa er a1 ., 1983,<br />

irSiller, 1984 ; Garfinkel ei ol., 1985, Ksbat and Wynder, 1984 ;<br />

Wu er a1 ., 1985) aJso included questions about whether involuntary<br />

smoke <strong>exposure</strong> hnd occurred at work (yes/no), and/or<br />

whether the parents has smoked (yes/no) . Such data seem<br />

rather crude indices of <strong>exposure</strong>, providing only very indirect<br />

iaforrnafion on tbe 6KTrer add amount of exposurc . Funher•<br />

morc, altrtough spcntse(s), parents, or co-workers might have<br />

smoked, the actual degrte of contact of the non-smoker with<br />

tttese smokers could have been very low, or even nil (Friedsrun<br />

ei a1 ., 1983) . In our detailed sasdies (Koo ei at., 1983,<br />

1984) of passive smoking <strong>exposure</strong>s, smoking parents or<br />

spauses were sometimes rocalled as inflicting litnle or no <strong>exposure</strong><br />

on the sub}'ut . In those cases where, for example, tfu<br />

husbard smoked but lived aepuated from the wife, then our<br />

study counted such wives as unexposed subjeru . Among our<br />

never-smoked subjects, this was found to be true for 3 cases<br />

a.ad 3 controls .<br />

In order to asseu the possible qusal relationship of passive<br />

smoking to <strong>lung</strong> eancer risk, dau from detailed life-hisrory<br />

<strong>exposure</strong>s ttut were elicited in intensive 1 .5- to 2-hr taperncordad<br />

interviews of never-smoked female <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> cases<br />

and district controls havc been ana)yxed . Emphasis is placed<br />

on the eonsist<strong>ets</strong>cy of the data, the strengths of tltc RR, and<br />

whether dose-tccponse relationships were present .<br />

with other data elicited in the ltfe-history interviews, espeeially<br />

residential pancrns since birth (i,ewhere she) liver :,<br />

type of housing . number of rooms, number of eo-habitants,<br />

etc ), occupatloru, and rnanul life to reduce errors in estitnating,<br />

<strong>exposure</strong> levels<br />

Among the txver-smoked subjects, the mean age of the<br />

patients was 57 .8 (so 10 .81) and that for the controls was 59 .3<br />

(sD 9 .94) This umple included 60 who were widows usd 3<br />

who had never mi .rried ; eone had rrtarried more ihan txsct .<br />

In the design of the interviews, separate data were eallectad<br />

to take into account that within the life-histories of the subjecu,<br />

sidestream tobarcro smoke could originate from : (a)<br />

different people who stnoked in the presence of the subjest ;<br />

(b) different places frequenud by the subject ; and (c) different<br />

types of tobacco . Persons who smoked included related and<br />

unrelated members of the household, and even co-habituns<br />

who shared an apartrrtent unit (if their tobacco smoke was<br />

tooticxd b) the subjea) . It was difficult to quantify expoi ;ilre<br />

levels from places that could have varying daily amounts of<br />

environmental tobacco smoke and were occasiorully visistti<br />

by the subject such as cinemu, while playing majong, or in<br />

t7anspon vthicles . This analysis will ottly take into account<br />

<strong>exposure</strong>s that remained relatively regular during the lifetttnes<br />

of the subjects i .e . from <strong>exposure</strong>s r.l borne and the workplace(s)<br />

. Among our subjects, tobacco srrsoke mosdv otiS'saued<br />

from cigarettes smoked by household members, ared<br />

from pipes (water and regular) smoked by parents or in-laws<br />

In addition to data based on the husband's smoking habits,<br />

4 other measurements of passive smoking were evaluated : (a)<br />

Ioul ycars ot <strong>exposure</strong>, (b) total hours of <strong>exposure</strong>, (c) mun<br />

hours/day of <strong>exposure</strong>, and (d) total cigarettes per day snwked<br />

by each htwsehold member weighed by their years of <strong>exposure</strong><br />

. These rrxasures should be a more accurate ref)ecuott t~<br />

past lifetime expasures than simple ques :ions based on whtthc,r~<br />

the spouse or pesenu sawked (yes/no), or whether envitvrt~<br />

menul tobacco Ismoke was encatntered in the workplace (yen<br />

no)<br />

'ihis srudy of thc effects of passive smoking is panicularly<br />

pettinent to Hong Kong because n is one of the most crowded . ~<br />

urban ettvironrnents in the world . Its urban dertsity avetases Recoivad Jux. 24, t4a6 tad in ycvised fotm Sryternbar 19, t9iG la-A<br />

~<br />

~<br />


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