ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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ItLGUt .wT0ttY TOxtO01aGY Ar+D ?IiwlwAcotlxtY 19, 309-316 (1994)<br />

lncanslstency between Workplace and Spousai Studles<br />

of Environmental <strong>Tobacco</strong> Smoke and Lung Cancer'<br />


'F.nriroemental Nrahh Re .rourcrr, Ttbu,on . Calijornla 94970~ and tLayard .lrsoclates,<br />

Alomrda, Ca!(/ornia 94301<br />

Itccefvcrf January 10. 199!<br />

!n a t'isk astessment ssteased at thc end o( 1992, thc U .S . Environmental Protcetion A ;cncy<br />

(EPA)condudeG that environmental lobacea smokc (ETS) Is a known hunu,n <strong>lung</strong> urdnotea .<br />

The A=ency re.ached that eondusion primarily on the buis of epidcmiolo5ie nudtee of self .rsponed<br />

nevcr•smokin; women, in which the ext>o:ure index was marriagc to a smokcL llowvver, the tuc<br />

of the spousel smoking expoaure surmpate introduces many potcntiat wn(oundinR fseton . Such<br />

confoundins and bias due to denial of activc smokin6 art likely aplanations for weak and in•<br />

consistent rer»nod L•TS-lunz csncer assnciasions . This contention is tupponed by the ruults of<br />

1A wortdvdde studies of lunl pnetr and ETS <strong>exposure</strong> in the workplacc . which in wmbination<br />

indiuted oo risk elcvation . Wnrkplaoe ETS-luaS uncct• studics are not subjoct to the bias and<br />

confounding intsoduaed by the spousal smoking exposutt surrosate. The t:PA Ignored thc workplacc<br />

studies ln its risk auesamont and eatrapolatad the resulu of orwtsaal smoking nudiet to<br />

workplxx and other sourtrt of LT'S exposurt : In its enimate of ETS•ataributable luna< <strong>cancer</strong><br />

deaths in the Unitod Sutes, the EPA asc :ihed over 70% o(thc deaths to nonspousal 1`I'S c~+osurt :,<br />

primarily workplaee ezpocure, Considcrt:d in their entirety, she ETS-<strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> enidenioloaic<br />

data do not suppon a uusal infcratea or provide a tcientihc boais for sovernmcnt reSulation of<br />

smotiing in the workptace. o t»r Aols.mK t•rWl, tr.r .<br />


The U .S . Environrucntal Protection Agency (i=.PA) recently issucd a risk assessment<br />

of <strong>lung</strong> eanccr tnonality and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) <strong>exposure</strong> (U .S .<br />

EPA, 1992) . Tlte EPA report calculated a sumtnnry relative risk oC 1 .19 (909'o confidence<br />

interval, 1 .04-1 .35) from a meta-analysis of results of 11 U .S . studies (9 csse-cantrol<br />

studics and 2 cohort studies) of reportedly never-smoking female subjects. (In a depnrture<br />

from conventional prnetice, the EPA citcd 90% confidcnca intervals for reJativc<br />

risks, on the basis that they corresponded to one•tailed 5% sSgnificance tesu ; a 95%<br />

con5dence interval for the summary rclativc risk is 1 .02-1 .39 .) These studics used<br />

t This work was supported in pan by Thc Tobaero Institutc . The vic-x expressed rrprncnt the pcrsonal<br />

opinioas of the euthon and are not neaessariiy those o(Ths <strong>Tobacco</strong> lnstitutc,<br />

0273-23W/94 T6.00<br />

'~ c- .>fiv, o 1914 !., kninls h.c. uc,<br />

.v ris)"I .rnvud-,:.- u ..r r6 .. ,Ma..,c<br />

http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/wyk81f00/pdf<br />


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