ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

ets exposure, lung cancer - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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. Vo 5 LIING CANCER IN NONSMOKERS - Kabat and k'yndtr 1215<br />

.<br />

throughout the patient's lifetime . The histologic type of T .a.c ( . Hiuoloy,c Type of t-uns Cancer<br />

.unQ <strong>cancer</strong> was obtatned from the pathology report or<br />

an Nertt Smoken and srnokers<br />

the discharge summary for each case Those cases in whom<br />

Men women<br />

the diagnosts was not pnmary <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> or in whom<br />

there was an indtcation of smoking . even in the remote<br />

(No 1 (41 (No / (4)<br />

past . were excluded from the study . Those remaining in NeVcr emoken<br />

the study are referred to as "validated" nonsmokers .<br />

Kteybera type 1 13 (35 1) 20 (20 .6)<br />

A control was matched to each case on the basis of<br />

age (=5 years), sex, race (with 5 exceptions#), hospitat,<br />

Epidermoid/squamous<br />

(Jttc tt{l/ti .ant cell<br />

Krsyberf type 11<br />

13<br />

0<br />

20<br />

(35 .(1<br />

(Se .1)<br />

16<br />

4<br />

72<br />

(16 .3)<br />

(4 .1)<br />

(74 .2)<br />

date of interview (±2 yean), and nonsmoking status .<br />

Abenoarrinoma 16 (43 .2) 60 161 .9)<br />

Controls were selected from a large pool of hospitalized<br />

Alvealar 4 (10.E) 12 (12 .4)<br />

patients who wera interviewed over the same period as<br />

Miaed (Kreybers I /c 11)<br />

and undiRcrenuated/<br />

the cases and who had diseases which were not tobacco-<br />

anapltutc • (10 i ) S (5 .2)<br />

related . The distribution of diagnoses among the controls<br />

was as follaws: men, 62 .1% other <strong>cancer</strong>s . 24 .3% benign<br />

Tou! 37 97<br />

neoplastic disease, 13 .5% non-neoplastic discase, women, 5mokers'<br />

$9 .9% other qncers, 14 .4% benign neoplastic disease,<br />

25 .8% non-neoplastic disease .<br />

Krrytxrg t,vpe l<br />

KreyberT type 11<br />

Mixed (Kreybers I & 11)<br />

1111<br />

600<br />

(63 1)<br />

(31 .9)<br />

la 1<br />

219<br />

(52 .31<br />

(42 .6)<br />

All subjects were interviewed in the hospital with a<br />

sxandardiied questionnaire including questions on de-<br />

and undifferentuted/<br />

anaplutic 93 (5 .0) 32 ( 4 .9)<br />

moYraphic factors, occupation, occupational <strong>exposure</strong>a,<br />

Total 111 : 652<br />

tobacco smoking, alcohol use . Quetelet's index (ky,/cm'<br />

X 10,000), and historti of tobacco-related diseases . Two<br />

• A mort detatled bceakdown by htstolo ; c typa n not Presentcd for<br />

smokers because this informsuon + .'u not codxd . For the nonsmokers<br />

different versions of the questionnaire were used over the<br />

10-year period, the first from 1971 to 1976 . and the second<br />

thts information vas tetncved tnanually<br />

from 1976 to 1980 . Differences between the two questionna<br />

.irrs included a longer list of occupational <strong>exposure</strong>s<br />

msponses was smaller for the question "Does your spouse<br />

amoke'.'", since this question appearesd in only one version<br />

in the later version, and a longer list of previous diseases and since it was not answered by those subjecu who were<br />

not married, widowed, separated, or divorced (see<br />

Table 3) .<br />

Differences between cases and controls were assessed<br />

by the chi-squarc test for independence .' and by the Mantel-Haenszel<br />

extension test for linear trend .' Point estimates<br />

of the relative risk with test-based 95% confidence<br />

intervais were calculated following Miettinen's method .'<br />

in the earlier questionnaire (diabetes, Sout, bronchitis,<br />

emphysema . hypenension, asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia,<br />

bronchiectasis, and tuberculosis) than in the later version,<br />

which included only four questions on previous diseases<br />

(chronic bronchitis or emphysema, asthma, diabete•s, and<br />

elevated blood pressure) .<br />

Alcohol consumption was assessed in current drinkers<br />

and exdrinkers (combined) relative to never-drinkers and<br />

oxasional drinkers (combined) . Occasional drinkers were<br />

those who consumed Iess than I ounce of whiskey equivalents<br />

of alcohol per day ot beer, wine, and hard liquor<br />

combined . Alcohol intake was categorized into three levels:<br />

(1) never/occasional drinking . (2) 1 to 3 .9 oz/day,<br />

and (3) 4+ oz/day .<br />

In addition, a number of questions on <strong>exposure</strong> to<br />

passive smoking were introduced in an addendum to the<br />

main questionnairc in 1978, and the addendum was rcvised<br />

in 1979 . Thus, information on passive smoking was<br />

obtained on only a subset of the svbjecu, for men, 25 of<br />

37 ases and their matched controi .s ; for women, 53 of<br />

97 cases and their matched controls . This number of<br />

responses was obtained for those questions included in<br />

both versions of the addendum, whereas the numbcr of<br />

$ otu onenuW male case was matched to a white cYmtrol : two hisa.nic<br />

anrM t.vo oaunul femak nses wett matched to whitc controb .<br />

http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/wyk81f00/pdf<br />

Results<br />

For the 10-year period, 1971 to t980, among 1919<br />

cases of primary <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> in men . 37 (1 .9%) occurred<br />

in validated nonsmokers . Among 749 <strong>lung</strong> <strong>cancer</strong> cases<br />

in women, 97 (13 .0%) were vYlidated nonsmokers, This<br />

difference in the proportion of nonsmokers in men and<br />

women is hiittly statistically sipifiant. X2(1) - 137 .21,<br />


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