THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362


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acts, the form and color and glory of his life._ Happily, owing to the<br />

growth of the race in spiritual intelligence and power, the highest<br />

truth is no longer held as a sacred secret. Still, if art has efficacy<br />

to surprise and reveal the elusive Spirit of Truth, when truth is<br />

dramatically presented it is made vivid and impressive, strengthening<br />

the faith of the strongest and bringing a ray of heavenly light to<br />

many a baffled seeker.<br />

Ever the Quest goes on, though it is permitted some of us to believe<br />

that the Lost Word has been found, in the only way in which it can<br />

ever be found--even in the life of Him who was "the Word made flesh,"<br />

who dwelt among us and whose grace and beauty we know. Of this Quest<br />

Masonry is an aspect, continuing the high tradition of humanity,<br />

asking men to unite in the search for the thing most worth finding,<br />

that each may share the faith of all. Apart from its rites, there is<br />

no mystery in Masonry, save the mystery of all great and simple<br />

things. So far from being hidden or occult, its glory lies in its<br />

openness, and its emphasis upon the realities which are to the human<br />

world what light and air are to nature. Its mystery is of so great a<br />

kind that it is easily overlooked; its secret almost too simple to be<br />

found out.<br />


[47] Matt. 13:10, 11.<br />

[48] _Unwritten Sayings of Our Lord_, David Smith, vii.<br />

[49] By occultism is meant the belief in, and the claim to be able to<br />

use, a certain range of forces neither natural, nor, technically,<br />

supernatural, but more properly to be called preternatural--often,<br />

though by no means always, for evil or selfish ends. Some extend the<br />

term occultism to cover mysticism and the spiritual life generally, but<br />

that is not a legitimate use of either word. Occultism seeks to get;<br />

mysticism to give. The one is audacious and seclusive, the other humble<br />

and open; and if we are not to end in blunderland we must not confound<br />

the two (_Mysticism_, by E. Underhill, part i, chap. vii).<br />

[50] Much time would have been saved, and not a little confusion<br />

avoided, had this obvious fact been kept in mind. Even so charming a<br />

book as _Jesus, the Last Great Initiate_, by Schure--not to speak of<br />

_The Great Work_ and _Mystic Masonry_--is clearly, though not<br />

intentionally, misleading. Of a piece with this is the effort,<br />

apparently deliberate and concerted, to rob the Hebrew race of all<br />

spiritual originality, as witness so able a work as _Our Own Religion<br />

in Persia_, by Mills, to name no other. Our own religion? Assuredly, if<br />

by that is meant the one great, universal religion of humanity. But the<br />

sundering difference between the Bible and any other book that speaks<br />

to mankind about God and Life and Death, sets the Hebrew race apart as<br />

supreme in its religious genius, as the Greeks were in philosophical<br />

acumen and artistic power, and the Romans in executive skill. Leaving<br />

all theories of inspiration out of account, facts are facts, and the<br />

Bible has no peer in the literature of mankind.<br />

[51] Some there are who think that much of the best work of Mr. Waite<br />

is in his poetry, of which there are two volumes, _A Book of Mystery<br />

and Vision_, and _Strange Houses of Sleep_. There one meets a fine

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