THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362


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the circle which form the keystone of the ornamental tracery of every<br />

Gothic temple. Masonry was then at the zenith of its power, in its<br />

full splendor, the Lion of the tribe of Judah its symbol, strength,<br />

wisdom, and beauty its ideals; its motto to be faithful to God and the<br />

Government; its mission to lend itself to the public good and<br />

fraternal charity. Keeper of an ancient and high tradition, it was a<br />

refuge for the oppressed, and a teacher of art and morality to<br />

mankind. In 1270, we find Pope Nicholas III confirming all the rights<br />

previously granted to the Free-masons, and bestowing on them further<br />

privileges. Indeed, all the Popes up to Benedict XII appear to have<br />

conceded marked favors to the order, even to the length of exempting<br />

its members from the necessity of observance of the statutes, from<br />

municipal regulations, and from obedience to royal edicts.<br />

What wonder, then, that the Free-masons, ere long, took _Liberty_ for<br />

their motto, and by so doing aroused the animosity of those in<br />

authority, as well as the Church which they had so nobly served.<br />

Already forces were astir which ultimately issued in the Reformation,<br />

and it is not surprising that a great secret order was suspected of<br />

harboring men and fostering influences sympathetic with the impending<br />

change felt to be near at hand. As men of the most diverse views,<br />

political and religious, were in the lodges, the order began first to<br />

be accused of refusing to obey the law, and then to be persecuted. In<br />

England a statute was enacted against the Free-masons in 1356,<br />

prohibiting their assemblies under severe penalties, but the law seems<br />

never to have been rigidly enforced; though the order suffered greatly<br />

in the civil commotions of the period. However, with the return of<br />

peace after the long War of the Roses, Freemasonry revived for a<br />

time, and regained much of its prestige, adding to its fame in the<br />

rebuilding of London after the fire, and in particular of St. Paul's<br />

Cathedral.[82]<br />

When cathedral-building ceased, and the demand for highly skilled<br />

architects decreased, the order fell into decline, but never at any<br />

time lost its identity, its organization, and its ancient emblems. The<br />

Masons' Company of London, though its extant records date only from<br />

1620, is considered by its historian, Conder, to have been established<br />

in 1220, if not earlier, at which time there was great activity in<br />

building, owing to the building of London Bridge, begun in 1176, and<br />

of Westminster Abbey in 1221; thus reaching back into the cathedral<br />

period. At one time the Free-masons seem to have been stronger in<br />

Scotland than in England, or at all events to have left behind more<br />

records--for the minutes of the <strong>Lodge</strong> of Edinburgh go back to 1599,<br />

and the _Schaw Statutes_ to an earlier date. Nevertheless, as the art<br />

of architecture declined Masonry declined with it, not a few of its<br />

members identifying themselves with the Guilds of ordinary<br />

"rough-masons," whom they formerly held in contempt; while others,<br />

losing sight of high aims, turned its lodges into social clubs.<br />

Always, however, despite defection and decline, there were those, as<br />

we shall see, who were faithful to the ideals of the order, devoting<br />

themselves more and more to its moral and spiritual teaching until<br />

what has come to be known as "the revival of 1717."<br />


[65] _The Cathedral Builders_, chap. i.

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