THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362


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also<br />

unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead." This last<br />

expression,<br />

according to Russel, has a distinct reference to the physical qualities<br />

of<br />

matter, and to the time when death, by the winter absence of the solar<br />

heat, gets, as it were, possession of the earth. Baal-peor was, he<br />

says,<br />

the sun exercising his powers of fecundity.--_Connection of Sacred and<br />

Profane History_<br />

[80] Is there not a seeming reference to this thought of divine<br />

hermaphrodism in the well-known passage of Genesis? "So God created man<br />

in<br />

his own image, in the image of God created he him: _male and female_<br />

created he them." And so being created "male and female," they were "in<br />

the image of God."<br />

[81] The world being animated by man, says Creuzer, in his learned work<br />

on<br />

Symbolism, received from him the two sexes, represented by heaven and<br />

the<br />

earth. Heaven, as the fecundating principle, was male, and the source<br />

of<br />

fire; the earth, as the fecundated, was female, and the source of<br />

humidity. All things issued from the alliance of these two principles.<br />

The<br />

vivifying powers of the heavens are concentrated in the sun, and the<br />

earth, eternally fixed in the place which it occupies, receives the<br />

emanations from the sun, through the medium of the moon, which sheds<br />

upon<br />

the earth the germs which the sun had deposited in its fertile bosom.<br />

The<br />

Lingam is at once the symbol and the mystery of this religious idea.<br />

[82] Such was the opinion of some of the ancient sun-worshippers, whose<br />

adorations were always performed in the open air, because they thought<br />

no<br />

temple was spacious enough to contain the sun; and hence the saying,<br />

"Mundus universus est templum solis"--the universe is the temple of the<br />

sun. Like our ancient brethren, they worshipped only on _the highest<br />

hills_. Another analogy.<br />

[83] _Asgard_, the abode of the gods, is shaded by the ash tree,<br />

_Ydrasil_, where the gods assemble every day to do justice. The<br />

branches<br />

of this tree extend themselves over the whole world, and reach above<br />

the<br />

heavens. It hath three roots, extremely distant from each other: one of<br />

them is among the gods; the second is among the giants, where the abyss<br />

formerly was; the third covers _Niflheim_, or hell, and under this root<br />

is<br />

the fountain _Vergelmer_, whence flow the infernal rivers.--_Edda,<br />

Fab._<br />

8.<br />

[84] Exod. iii. 5.

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