THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362

THE ARCANE SCHOOLS - Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge No. 362


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sometimes used; sometimes the expression "in all cases whatsoever," or "in all<br />

cases without exception." Some other verbal alterations were noticed, which need<br />

not be detailed here. It appeared, also, from the statements of the witnesses, that<br />

the proportion of funds disposed of for charitable purposes is extremely small,<br />

while the lodges are scenes of extravagant mirth and bacchanalian revelry, and the<br />

admission, passing, and raising of candidates occasions of much indecent sport<br />

and ridiculous merriment, accompanied with mock murders, feigned discoveries,<br />

and profane and blasphemous ceremonies and representations.<br />

From the evidence before them the committee came to the conclusions expressed<br />

in the following<br />

REPORT.<br />

To the Honorable General Assembly of the State of Connecticut now in Session:<br />

The committee to whom was referred the petition of Gaius Lyman and others beg<br />

leave respectfully to report that we have had the same under consideration, and<br />

inquired, by legal evidence, into the truth of the matters therein set forth, and are<br />

of the opinion that the same have been substantially proved, and are true. The<br />

committee, at the commencement of the investigation, adopted the rule, and made<br />

known the same to the petitioners, that we should attend to no evidence except<br />

such as, in our opinion, would be admissible in a court of law. The petitioners<br />

accordingly summoned before us sundry witnesses who, for aught we knew or<br />

could discover to the contrary, were men of respectability and intelligence, and<br />

upon their testimony, and upon that alone, have we come to our present result. It<br />

was proved by these witnesses that oaths similar in character (and some of them<br />

identical in phraseology) to those set forth in the petition had been, in their<br />

presence and within their hearing, repeatedly administered in this State. The<br />

committee believe the administration of such oaths to be highly improper, and<br />

that the same should be prohibited by legal enactment. Our reasons for this<br />

opinion are:<br />

1. Because they are unauthorized by law.<br />

2. Because they bind the person to whom they are administered to disregard and<br />

violate the law.<br />

3. Because they are, in their natural tendency, subversive of public morals and<br />

blasphemous.<br />

4. Because the penalties attached to the breach of them are such as are entirely<br />

unknown to our law, and are forbidden both by the Constitution of the United<br />

States and by the Constitution of this State.<br />

First, then, these oaths are not authorized by law. In our code of statute law we<br />

have an act which points out the cases in which oaths shall or may be<br />

administered, and prescribes their several forms. In this act we find no such oaths.<br />

Indeed, we find, upon examination of this code, that although extrajudicial oaths<br />

are nowhere expressly prohibited, their unlawfulness is throughout clearly<br />

implied. And the implication is no less clear, that no persons, except those<br />

expressly authorized by law, may rightfully administer oaths. The committee

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