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Schwanzer, Berthold Ch.: Die Erlebniswelt<br />

von Geschäften und Schaufenstern (Vienna:<br />

Modulverlag, 1988).<br />

Schwarz, Friedhelm: Nestlé. Macht durch<br />

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2000).<br />

Selle, Gert: Geschichte des Design in<br />

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Selle, Gert: Ideologie und Utopie des Design.<br />

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Selle, Gert: “Produktkultur als gelebtes<br />

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Miklautz, Elfie (eds.): Produktkulturen. Dynamik<br />

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Sennett, Richard: Flesh and Stone. The body<br />

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Sennett, Richard: Respect in the World of<br />

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Slater, Don: Consumer Culture and Modernity<br />

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Sloterdijk, Peter: “Bilder der Gewalt – Gewalt<br />

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Index<br />

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(eds.): Iconic Turn. Die neue Macht der Bilder<br />

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Sturken, Marita/Cartwright, Lisa: Practices<br />

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Sykora, Katharina: “Merchandise Temptress.<br />

The Surrealistic Enticements of the Display<br />

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Hollein, Max (eds.): Shopping – A Century of<br />

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Tambiah, Stanley J.: “A Performative Approach<br />

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Timmins, G. L.: Window Dressing. The<br />

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Tongeren, Michel van: Retail Branding<br />

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Turner, Victor: The Ritual Process. Structure<br />

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Turner, Victor: From Ritual to Theatre. The<br />

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Underhill, Paco: Why We Buy: The Science of<br />

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Vaizey, Marina: Christo (Recklinghausen:<br />

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Veblen, Thorstein: The Theory of the Leisure<br />

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Vidler, Anthony: The Architectural Uncanny.<br />

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Warhol, Andy: America (New York/Toronto:<br />

Harper & Row, 1985).<br />

Warnke, Martin: Aby Warburg. Der Bilderatlas<br />

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Warnke, Martin: “Der Leidschatz der<br />

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Weibel, Peter/ Latour, Bruno (eds.): Iconoclash.<br />

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ZKM, 2002).<br />


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