Timing, hosts and locations of (grouped) events of NanoImpactNet

Timing, hosts and locations of (grouped) events of NanoImpactNet

Timing, hosts and locations of (grouped) events of NanoImpactNet


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NanoSafetyCluster ‐ Compendium 2012<br />

First Name Last Name Affiliation Address e‐mail<br />

Teresa Fern<strong>and</strong>es Heriot‐Watt University Edinburgh Campus<br />

Edinburgh<br />

EH14 4AS<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tamara Galloway University <strong>of</strong> Exeter Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales Road<br />

Exeter EX4 4PS<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Neil Gibson Joint Research Centre, Institute<br />

for Consumer Health &<br />

Protection (IHCP)<br />

Andrea Haase Federal Institute for Risk<br />

Assessment<br />

The Institute for Health <strong>and</strong> Consumer<br />

Protection<br />

Via E. Fermi 2749 21027 Ispra (Varese) Italy<br />

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment<br />

Max‐Dohrn‐Str. 8‐10<br />

D ‐ 10589 Berlin<br />

Frans Kampers Wageningen University Dreijenplein 8<br />

Wageningen 6703 HB<br />

Netherl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Rafi Korenstein Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv<br />

Tel Aviv 69978<br />

Israel<br />

Wolfgang Kreyling Helmholz Zentrum Muenchen<br />

[Helmholtz Centre Munich]<br />

Dominique Langevin Centre National de la<br />

Recherche Scientique<br />

Andreas Luch Federal Institute for Risk<br />

Assessment<br />

Iseult Lynch National University <strong>of</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Dublin / University College<br />

Dublin<br />

Hans J.P. Marvin Wageningen University <strong>and</strong><br />

Research Centre / Stichting<br />


Sergio Moya Asociacion Centro de<br />

Investigacion cooperative en<br />

biomaterials<br />

Inge Nelissen Vlaamse Instelling Voor<br />

Technologish Ondersoek N.V.<br />

Ingolstaedter L<strong>and</strong>strasse 1<br />

Neuerberg 85764 Germany<br />

Campus Université Paris Sud,<br />

Bâtiment 510<br />

Orsay 91405 Cx<br />

France<br />

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment<br />

Max‐Dohrn‐Str. 8‐10<br />

D ‐ 10589 Berlin<br />

Belfield<br />

IE‐4 Dublin<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong><br />

Bornsesteeg 45<br />

NL‐6708 PD Wageningen<br />

The Netherl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Paseo Miramon Parque Technologico de<br />

San Sebastian Edifico Empresarial C 182,<br />

San Sebastian 20009, Spain<br />

Boeretang 200<br />

Mol 2400<br />

Belgium<br />

Stefan Nygren Uppsala University St Ol<strong>of</strong>sgatan 10B<br />

Uppsala 75312<br />

Sweden<br />

Hanns‐Rudolf Paur Karslruhe Institute <strong>of</strong><br />

technology<br />

P.O. Box 3640<br />

76021 Karlsruhe<br />

Vanessa Pike Natural History Museum Research <strong>and</strong> Consulting Office<br />

The Natural History Museum,<br />

Cromwell Road<br />

London SW7 5BD<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Victor Puntes Catalan Institute <strong>of</strong><br />

Nanotechnology<br />

Sikha Ray Karslruhe Institute <strong>of</strong><br />

technology<br />

Joachim Rädler Ludwig‐Maximilians Universität<br />

München<br />

Campus de la UAB Edifici CM7<br />

Barcelona 08193<br />

Spain<br />

Karlsruhe Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology<br />

P.O. Box 3640<br />

76021 Karlsruhe<br />

Geschwister‐Scholl‐Platz 1<br />

Munich 80539<br />

Germany<br />

t.fern<strong>and</strong>es@hw.ac.uk<br />

t.s.galloway@exeter.ac.uk<br />

neil.gibson@jrc.ec.europa.eu<br />

Andrea.Haase@bfr.bund.de<br />

frans.kampers@wur.nl<br />

korens@post.tau.ac.il<br />

kreyling@helmholtz‐muenchen.de<br />

langevin@lps.u‐psud.fr<br />

Andreas.Luch@bfr.bund.de<br />

iseult.Lynch@cbni.ucd.ie<br />

hans.marvin@wur.nl<br />

smoya@cicbiomagune.es<br />

inge.nelissen@vito.be<br />

Stefan.Nygren@angstrom.uu.se<br />

hanns‐rudolf.paur@kit.edu<br />

v.pike@nhm.ac.uk<br />

Victor.Puntes@uab.cat<br />

sikha.ray@kit.edu<br />

joachim.raedler@lmu.de<br />

252 Compendium <strong>of</strong> Projects in the European NanoSafety Cluster

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