02_febbraio - Porto & diporto

02_febbraio - Porto & diporto

02_febbraio - Porto & diporto


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trasporti / porto&<strong>diporto</strong>Cura shock in Campaniaper i trasporti pubbliciCattive notizie per i trasportipubblici della Campania.L’amministrazione regionaleha previsto un taglio dell’11,5% suifondi destinati ai trasporti che porteràad una riorganizzazione totale delcomparto. Le erogazioni a favore deltrasporto pubblico locale si riduconodi 40 milioni per il 2011: ammontano,infatti, a 305 milioni i fondi stanziati dapalazzo Santa Lucia, di cui 300 per iltrasporto su gomma e ferro e 5 per levie del mare, a fronte dei 345 milionidel 2010. Le risorse verranno ripartitein base alle competenze dei varienti: il 71,47% alle Province, il 24,17ai Comuni capoluogo ed il 4,36% gestitodirettamente dalla Regione. Altaglio locale si aggiunge quello delGoverno che ha ridotto i trasferimentidi 108 milioni (20 per i rimborsi Iva, 8per le opere di manutenzione e 80 milioniper Trenitalia). Ma dalla Regioneassicurano che i servizi non verrannopenalizzati, a cominciare dal numerodelle corse, per cui non sono previsteriduzioni. Nel frattempo, proprioper le contrazioni dei trasferimentiregionali e dei contributi statali, verràaumentato il costo dei biglietti diautobus e treni. La Giunta regionale,infatti, ha approvato i livelli tariffarimassimi per i diversi titoli di viaggiodel sistema integrato Unicocampaniaper il 2011, così come previsto dallalegge regionale sui trasporti: il sistemadi tariffazione comune verrà mantenutoe la sfida sarà di estenderloanche alle vie del mare, ma i prezziShock cure for Campania transportBad news for transport in Campania. The regionaladministration will cut funding for transport by 11,5%necessitating a complete reorganisation. In 2011fundsfor public transport will be 40 million euro less for atotal of 305 million euro divided between 300 millioneuro for road and rail transport and 5 million for seatransport. 71,47% of the total will be managed by theProvince, 24,17 by the town councils and 4,36% by theRegion. These cuts are added to Government cuts of108 million of which 20 million for VAT repayment, 8million for maintenance and 80 million for trains. Howeverthe region confirms that services by sea will bemaintained with no reduction in the number of tripsalthough bus and train ticket prices will increase. Theregional council has in principal approved increasesof the prices of the Unicocampania tickets for 2011 bynot more than 20% including sea transport. In otherwords the Unicocampania ticket could increase fromthe current 1,10 euro to 1,30 euro although the increaseis expected to be of 10% with help for thosein need and loyal customers. The increases will affectall tariffs and season tickets including regionaltrains and extra-urban lines and will be set by towncouncils, provinces and companies in agreementwith Unicocampania. Sergo Vetrella regional transportassessor explained “the increases are necessaryto keep the integrated traffic system which enablestravellers in the region to use only one ticket”. Thelimits of the regional financial resources, the need tobalance the books and the reduction of state financinghas made it necessary to increase ticket pricesjust as they are doing in all the Regions in Italy. Theassessor is also looking to bring about a revolutionin transport which will eliminate the transport companiesdebts and create a system based on competitionand the free market starting with a prepaid chipcard already used for season tickets. These cards willbe sold in shops and in paper-shops as well as oninternet. Customers will stamp their cards each timethey use a transport system and this data collectedvia computer will define the number of customers ofeach transport company. In addition customers willbe encouraged to use their cards by prizes and incentives.As a result the transport companies will ensurethat their customers pay. The challenge is to increasecompetition between transport companies by improvingservice and efficiency. Local government mustsupply a bimonthly statement of passengers to justifyfinancial reimbursement. At the same time Acamthe Campania agency for sustainable mobility will begiven the job of establishing the minimum servicesnecessary, the lines to cut and those to increase aswell as timetables. The process will be gradual andis planned to start up in a years time. Awaiting approvalof the plan Mr. Vetrella is continuing with theinvestment plan. There 317 works underway in Campaniawith a value of 4,500 million euro giving work to30,000 people.In 2010 154 million euros were spent but the liabilitywas 326 million. Campania Region spends more intransport than the Italian average but there is much tobe done on quality and service.44 - <strong>febbraio</strong> 2011

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