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Volume 91, Number 4<br />

2004<br />

Croat<br />

Revision of Dieffenbachia 683<br />

Costa Rica and Panama, but even these are not independently after the Andes began to arise towidespread<br />

in the two countries. Those shared are ward the end of the Cretaceous (Raven & Axelrocl,<br />

D. aurantiaca, D. beachiana, D. davidsei, D. gra- 1974). The fact that there are no truly wide-ranging<br />

yumiana, D. killipii, D. nitidipetiolata, D. oerstedii, species, i.e., those ranging from Mexico to Brazil,<br />

D. tonduzii, and D. wendlandii. Dieffenbachia au- attests to this isolation. The high rates of endemism<br />

rantiaca occurs only in southwestern Costa Rica in in Costa Rica and Panama as well as Mexico perthe<br />

vicinity of the Osa Peninsula and in adjacent haps reflects the isolation of these areas during pe-<br />

Panama in the Burica Peninsula area (Fig. 27). riods when the oceans were at much higher levels<br />

Both Dieffenbachia beachiana and D. grayumiana than they are today, and when the area that is now<br />

range from northern Costa Rica to western Panama central Panama and Costa Rica was subsequently<br />

(Bocas del Toro) (Figs. 28, 27), while D. daviclsei clisconnectecl from South America. At the close of<br />

ranges from northwestern Costa Rica to central the Tertiary period, 18,000 years ago, the sea level<br />

Panama (San Blas) and Colombia (Fig. 27). was about 100 m higher than today (Holmes, 1969).<br />

A total of 11 species (42Wo of the total) of Dief- Much earlier the land mass of what is now Central<br />

fenbachia are endemic to either Costa Rica or Pan- America began to emerge as a series of islands durama.<br />

Endemism is particularly high in Panama ing the Oligocene epoch with further uplifting durwhere<br />

8 of the 26 species (31Wo) are endemic. In ing the Middle Miocene. It was not until the Upper<br />

Panama endemic species are D. copensis, D. cre- Miocene and Pliocene epochs that the final portions<br />

bripistillata, D. fosteri, D. fortunensis, D. galclame- of the isthmus of Panama emerged above sea level<br />

siae, D. Iutheri, D. panamensis, and D. pittieri (Figs. (Torre, 1965), and the final connection of Central<br />

27-30). In Costa Rica 3 of 26 species (12Wo) are and South America was about 5.7 million years ago.<br />

endemic. Costa Rican endemics are D. burgeri, D. To put these geological events in relation to the<br />

hammelii, ancl D. horichii (Fig. 27). Neither Mexicc moclern aroicl flora, it should be notecl that even<br />

nor Miclelle America have enclemic species. cluring this era preculsors to the extant flora proI)-<br />

DiefJenbflchifl isthmia (Fig. 28), D. Iongisl)eltha ably alreacly existe(l. The angiosperm floras of the<br />

(Fig. 29), and D. obscllrinervisl (Fig. 29) range Oligo(ene Wele Ivelieve(l to have consiste(! almost<br />

ae X OSS the l sthmus of Panama from Vel aguas Prov- elltirely of extant genera and with existillg spee ies<br />

inc e to northel ll Colombia. DieiZenbflc1lia aur(letifl- alllong Oligoe ene atl(l Plio( ene ftol as ('raklllajan,<br />

a,19. beachiflnfl, and D. grflyllmiflnfl (Figs.27,28) 19G9).<br />

ale the only s)ecies oc(urring in both Costa Rica Equally important as geo]ogy lo the isolcltion of<br />

an(l Panama. S(lme spe( ies are fulther isolate({. tlle Celltlal Amelicall aroid flola are ecologi(al fac-<br />

1)ieffenl)achia allrantiflc f1 an(1 1). burgeri are re- toI s fol Central Amel ic an spee ies of Dieffenl)achi(l.<br />

stri( te(l to the legion of the ()sa Peninsula in south- Mue h of eastern Panama c onsists of bl oad expanses<br />

western Costa Ric a (or in the ( ase of D. aurantiac of Tropical moist forest (T-mf) with other, generally<br />

in Panama on the adjacent Burica Peninsula; Fig. smaller areas of Premontane wet (P-wf) and Tropical<br />

27) and D. horichii is lestricted to a relatively small wet forest (T-mf) (Holdridge, 1967). In contrast to<br />

area on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica (Fig. 27). Panama, much of the Choco area of northwestern<br />

Several other species are also narrowly restricted Colombia consists of much wetter pluvial forest<br />

or known only from the type specimen. Dieffen- with annual precipitation exceeding 11,700 mm<br />

bachia fosteri is restricted to northeastern Panama (Gentry, 1982). This broad band of pluvial forest<br />

(Fig. 27). Dieifenbachia fortunensis is restricted to with its own suite of unique endemic species no<br />

the northern Chiriqui Province (Fig. 28). Dieffen- doubt acts as a dispersal barrier for species from<br />

bachia copensis is found only in the Cocle Province regions with less rainfall. It may account for those<br />

of Panama (Fig. 27), and D. galdamesiae in a small Panamanian and Costa Rican species that skip the<br />

area south of the Panama Canal (Fig. 28). wettest areas of northwestern South America but re-<br />

Further collecting in Colombia, especially along occur in the relatively drier areas of mesic western<br />

the western slope of the Andes, may change the Ecuador.<br />

distribution of Dieffenbachia7 but the current pat- Middle America has low species diversity with<br />

terns most likely reflect the realities of life zone Guatemala having only two species and Honduras<br />

ecology and geologic history of the area rather than three. Only Nicaragua, with six species, four of<br />

under-collecting. Since relatively few species of Ar- them restricted to the southeastern corner near Cosaceae<br />

are known to occur at lower elevations on ta Rica, is moderately rich in species. All except<br />

both the eastern and western side of the Andes, it D. standleyi and D. wendlandii appear to range into<br />

can be presumed that the evolution of the respec- the country from Costa Rica. The low species ditive<br />

Amazonian and Pacific coastal floras occurred versity and very low aroid endemism in Dieffen-

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