Fita ART INTEGRAT, 2005. - Fundació Fita

Fita ART INTEGRAT, 2005. - Fundació Fita

Fita ART INTEGRAT, 2005. - Fundació Fita


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116<br />

Vaig encarregar-me de l’entrada de la capella que dóna a la<br />

carretera, per on rep la llum natural. Semblava bo no enfosquir<br />

el color, i per això el blanc domina com a fons. Es divideix en<br />

tres parts. Al centre, la porta és de fusta i hi ha una petita franja<br />

o tarja de vitrall a sobre i un vitrall a cada costat. El tema, en<br />

aquest cas, és molt lliure, evocador de les arquitectures de<br />

peces de fusta pintada que tant ens agradaven quan érem petits,<br />

a manera de temples imaginaris. També vaig realitzar, en<br />

aquesta capella escolar, un altre vitrall emplomat que dóna a un<br />

celobert; i una imatge de la Marededéu en alabastre i el sagrari.<br />

1969 Dominiques Pont<br />

Major, Girona.<br />

260 x 400 cm.<br />

Vitrall ciment armat.<br />

I got myself the commission of the entrance of the chapel which<br />

gives onto the street, where, it receives natural light. It seemed<br />

a good idea not to darken the colour and so white dominates as<br />

a background. It is divided into 3 parts. In the centre, the door<br />

is of wood and there is a small edge of glass on top and a window<br />

to each side. The subject, in this case, is very free, evoker<br />

of architectures of pieces of painted wood which we liked so<br />

much when we were little, in a way of imaginary temples. I also<br />

produced in this school chapel, another leaded window which<br />

gives onto a well; and an image in alabaster of a Mother of<br />

God and the tabernacle.

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