Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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CEnTr. Ho"l~.G .S .)<br />

It i s now some t wenty yea r s since t.hf e article was first penned , but va rious<br />

consideratLms pre vent ed 1tf! publication before .<br />

Perhaps t he dread of being<br />

classed 88 8 wi ld enthusiast and of arousing the r e se bili t y of those who might<br />

condescend to r eed my optirnistical ef'f'usdon had<br />

something to do ....ith its nonpublication<br />

at t hat time .<br />

The cross country railway bed not<br />

r ea ched t his f av ored locality t ill year-n<br />

after, nor , had i t s construction t hus far , been se r-Loue'Iy entert~i ned . Thi s gr-eat,<br />

innovator has entirely revolutionized our ideas, And Je v \lil1 nov be found to<br />

doubt, t he possibilities of the gr-and inheritance bequeathed to us .<br />

But "time changes end we change \lith it ll • The prognostications i ndulged i n<br />

t.vent.y years ago ore now bedng f ul f illed . The great ne w pulp en ter prises of the<br />

Neasr-s , Harmso vr-t.h at Grand FeLfs , and t.he Albert Reid Co , , at Bf sbop t s Falls, are<br />

destined to bring about the set.tIement. Ann cu Itdvatd on of this magni ficient valley ,<br />

which I have no heaft.at.fon in snyine i~ capable of supplyinG nearly all the veget -,<br />

.<br />

e b'le and animal food ve now sume , But in my ....f Ldoat dr-eams I neve r contemplated<br />

Hving t o seev a ci t y l ai d out and equipped with a l l t he most up-Lo-da te moder-n<br />

Lapr-ove cen tc_~t_ ~ .i:e ~:!. te_,~k~~ :.Gr~ ~:,-~~~ ~. of . ~he . ~~oi ts .

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