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Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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hide thoir Ide~tlt.Y, t hey 8 8 SUDlft d the aliatH'!:J of Br -edehev and OtKel l;r . 'l'h8S 8<br />

are t he Dames by whic h they ve r e knovn on tho Britannia ,<br />

and 'Which they ret a ined<br />

during their brief sojourn in the Nev 'World. They did not remain long in Nov<br />

York.<br />

Some inki1ng of their vber e a bout-s having reached the authorities in London,<br />

the polico or Gotham ver-e notified t o be on t he alert, and AS<br />

Boon as Brady and<br />

Naugh t on (I ahall no .... give t hem their real IlI'\t!l.l:tfl) got to knov that their move -<br />

ment.s vere shadowed , t hey t ook peasege in a sa i l1ng ve s s el n amed t he Northern<br />

Light, bound to Fogo, \lit h a car-go of pr-cvd ed.cne f or on~ or the firms d o1n~<br />

bue dne ee t here .<br />

Frorn that port they came t o ~ . John' 8 , arriving here early in AutjUst of t he<br />

year already me nt i oned (lSN~ ) . Deing good looking, educated an d regarded as t he<br />

sons of Irish nob leman, t hey soon made intimate a cquaintances vith DOnIe of the<br />

beat. f amilies in t he c OOlrnuni t y . At t heir hot e l-a popular place kept by a Mrs .<br />

J ohn son -they received t heir ne\ll.v f oun d friend s, vhc invited them to their homos,<br />

~=-..;. vhor-e t h:,y . we ~e _~i n ed an d wi~e.d and . e!lt e r t ~1no~Las . I?nly t he ho spitable mer-cban t s<br />

and planters of 'those days 11kneIJ hov to do it". Th ey dance d gracefUlly, san g an d<br />

played delight f ully , wer-e experts at ca rd s and billiards, an d ,<br />

a s a r e su l t, the<br />

parties give n in their honor.<br />

At<br />

these gatherings M08srfl. Brady a nd Naug ht on u sed to t alk of their experience<br />

on the BrltR.nnla and rel""te s t or i e s told them by Ddcke na during t he v6ya ge .<br />

And nll this they did to the rlel ight of their ea ger listeners . 'rben, ag ain, thoy<br />

ver-e good speaker- a, and much a dmired for the \lit end humor t hlt char uctez-Leed<br />

t heir after -dl nno r efforts. Thu s it happened t ha t f or some months t hings ve nt on<br />

ve ry nice l y f or t hem.<br />

But f r o'll t heir ahor-t, And blissful dream they ve r-c doomed t o<br />

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