Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 16 -<br />

of the military, and the young folk ' s pleasure ground va s sadly mi ssed. Su nday s<br />

,<br />

were very qu iet i n the city, a nd many of the peopl e motored to th" Fort ~ r idee<br />

just to ge t II. glimpse of the sple nd id sp sns , I paased ov er the Bridge on two<br />

occasi ons , but I had no idea of 1t s Lnmenee size . It 1s really a marvellou s<br />

piece of en gdneerdng-c-cr-oe edng t he Firth of Forth from the t.ovn<br />

of Queensferry,<br />

a d ist liil ~ ce of one a nd a qu ar t er mile e , But it 1 s t he t oweri ng he i ght of the<br />

Bridge t hat makes 1t l ook so wonderful . I t s epa ne can be Be en f or miles r i sing<br />

up fro::l the 'Waters of the Firth like some great mountain •<br />

.- . :--_:-,--=- -.-~,,- ::- .::"-_-=-<br />

The d 1 8 tr i ~t i on of coal va e --;'rri e d ·ou t we-ek}y by epecda I \lorking parties ,<br />

a nd needless to say, n one of t he boy s ch er ished the job. On one occasion Lieut<br />

Dob Stick, t hen ~ Lan ce-Corporal, was gi ven charge of a pa rty br i n g i ng coa l to<br />

the Bar-r-ack Rooms , but i n st ea d of Ieavdn g tw o pane t o 8 r oom, he mar-che d his<br />

whol e p&r t y i nto our happy litt le home and ga ve U 5 a suppl y f or several ...ee ks ,<br />

Regime nt a l sleuths were hun ting f or t ha t coal f or a long vbtIe , bu t we did no t<br />

put i t :on ex hibiti on, ::10 t he y gave it up a s a not her l ost C8g0 .<br />

Svimr.dng parede e to the public bat.he were held qu i t e of t en.<br />

We e Ivays did<br />

have a soft corner in our hearts for a good 'Wash no w and then.<br />

Vaccinati on vas more 'than ve Icomed by the lazy se t . It meant se veral weeks<br />

lounging in you r Barrack Room if the Bluf f 'Was kep t u p . The M.D . w.e worried to<br />

de at h by mallgnerers vhc persis ted in eayfng t heir arms we r e stil l veak, and that<br />

t hey c ?Uld no t move them, e t c.; but if the doctor had take n t he t roubl e t o l oo k<br />

around the Bar -r-ack a fter t e a that bluff vcuk d not ha ve vorked , Oh , ye s, vac cine<br />

proved a good ~rie nd to the lot of us . Major Ca r t y , then ~ptain, could see<br />

through our gllrne , i n fact, he c ou l d fle e through anything ve td do, lind t he reeult<br />

wou l d be W" IO lose .<br />

Our strength up t o date had ove r'- c -each e d t he twelve hundred mark. The Cast l e

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