Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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4. 7<br />

- 3 -<br />

Rev . ""m. ItuHock, _ ~ho \,'':..5..~h...re 1n 1829 . startinC from h011~ on 17th . Fe by , , the<br />

Ar-chdencon t ram ped on sn ov shoes to t .he bottom of Trinity Bf,Y, from 'then ce a cr-o s s<br />

th.. neck lind by Iund to I'f pe r-l s Ho'Ie , 'l'be r-est, of tht'! journey he performed i n<br />

boa t. , Dur-Ing 't he vho'Le of the lone and most arduous journey , the Archdeacon had<br />

no tiding~ from home or frorn St . Jobn I S . On his r e t ur n South; for he ....rei t ed at<br />

Flay ~t . Ge-or-g..., until t.he y fini~hed buJldine; a nd launching a cu l ter for hi m t o<br />

tuke pas93ce in , he. met , on July 27th. , anot ber- cutter off LePo 'i.Le SPy , se rrt in<br />

s ear-ch or him by his ....ife find frir:ndt:: i n St . J ohn I is . He r-eached home on Aur.;ust<br />

l.th' J<br />

aft...r an ebsenc... of ne a r-Ly sdx months . A j ourna l of this vd sd.t a t don .....as<br />

pub Lt s-he d by th... ~rch(l eBc()n in 1836. I conclude thi s a cc ount wi th a co py of t he<br />

next to t .he ll:\st ent .r-y in this journal. "Sundays , Au ~u ~ t 9t h . , 16th., 2 3r~ .<br />

vas hepoy to r-...n...... my conne ct.ton .... Lt.h th ~ dnt.e r-e s t.Lnr; c onr-r-e ee t.Lon of st .<br />

Ber thoLomevts Church, Por t uge I Cove , to vhf c h pInce , t.hr-ovvh the ex er -t.L ons of t.h e<br />

late ex ce Ll.ent, Governor , S3r 'Ihomes Coch r-ene , t.her-e i f! a very g ood r oa d f r om St .<br />

John's, Far- diff...r ent fr-om t.be t, by '..'h i d , I t.r -cveLl .eo on my first visit to t he<br />

I<br />

Ls Ianc' in 1£27 . Here! heLd t .....o ~.~rvlc e~ , _~ ''Ol rt iz. e d sdx ch i Ldr-en Ar:O nc'hninister",rl<br />

th~ "c.Iy Go.nmuni.on t o thl"; USUA l nun be r- of c o-nmur dca nt.s at that se t .t.Lemen t,';<br />

In 1 8 37,<br />

broke n i n hee Lt.h f r om be r-dsbdp e ndur-e-d i n sd ssdonar-y 'Work, And<br />

- r ....:fine: htrnf;'l.t n~ 1bnr.-.r-:--

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