Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 34 -<br />

r;ees, a nd the W~rd r e tur-ne to life and exe be nge a greetdnga with air cushions ,<br />

pilloY:'> , e t ci Siste r prot ests and ve all sle ep unwillingly. Motor dri ve s, bunt<br />

,<br />

fights a nd a ovde s a ad e the days in lJlilndfl\Jorth s pin, and on the 21s t . February,<br />

191 6, I was twisted into sokdd e r e ' togs en ce again and 'thr-ovn out into the vfde<br />

vc r'Ld t o ~o a nd " padd l e 'fAy own canoe" f or t e n da ye ,<br />

Ar.d '~ ow for a j olly ~ood life in Gre.at London. Nothing dry about the little<br />

vil lage , boya k And 1t 180 l t the " town pump" t ha t ha l"! mad e i t wet. The r e 1 s no<br />

ne ce s sity of descr ibi ng t he str a nd by moonlight . Hush t there are vondez-IuL domj s<br />

t here! ~Yon· can ~d aU e.beut 1t in t.be ~:zw:wspapers1.· :&.aft. t .bose Re vdeve , how<br />

magnetiet The 11ttle ~irlB with t heir long dr esses a nd high c o'l.Lar-s , v ooken s tocki<br />

DgS and ch est pr-ctect.or-e t Oht they look so cosy ! You ha ve no i dea \lhat a warm<br />

bun ch they are until you<br />

have se e n t hem.<br />

But t heatr es and gi rls do not oc cu py all yo ur time i n London. I did a l i t tle<br />

bi t of sit;ht-seeing, M 'l'ou eeandt e vax-vcr-ke , was one of t he fir6t pka ce e I visited.<br />

I n the Il ain r cca 1111 t he cr-cvn ed hea ds of Europe were stand ing in a group chatti ng .<br />

The famou s Qviators of pre-war days ....ere doing Lf kevfse , Henry the Eieht h was there<br />

with hie 'Jives, quite a s prinkling of royalt y . And dovn in t.he CbMn:ber of Horrors<br />

Charlie Peac e and his victims ver-e exhibited. Doc t or Crippe n the bad boy va s there .<br />

Opl w:a de ns , Court Room ecenee , an old ce l l contRinlng t he f61 I'QOUS crim1.ml.1 JQck<br />

She phar d , and han ~ln~ ar-ound the valls vere mi scellaneous ins truments used by<br />

eur-der-er e , They were horrorsl At t he en trance I a s ked a po kf ce e a n i f he coul d tell<br />

me the time , but t hat Le !'Something a vex flr;ure cannot, do .<br />

I went t o buy a guide-book frOD. a girl at t he desk , but got another un euepect,-,<br />

ed surprise. HO\I life-look they do make 'thos e figureet You need t o ke ep your eyes<br />

open at t he \J8X\1orks. One hour V8S quit e sufficient to t.a ke a good. l ook around a nd<br />

after that I ve nt to t he Zoo .

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