Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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home.<br />

While all those seals ver-e in White Bay many of the fleet were also<br />

securing loads or good trips off Cape Bonavista and other directions .<br />

\l1th r egar d to the movements and habd.t.e of the seals, very little, if any,<br />

attempt ha s been made to investigate, more e specdeLIy of later yea rs.<br />

One man<br />

could have given us 'the most valuable information had anyone in authority thought<br />

1t 'Wor t h his 'While to ask him and were he disposed to do 80, and that man \J8S the<br />

late Ca pt . Arthur Jackman .<br />

He p'Loved the Arctic Ocean in all directions, and<br />

must undoubtedly have talked over t he matter with the inhabitants of t he Far North,<br />

whose chief i ndu stry is the catching of seaLa , Those peop le 1n Iceland , Greenland,<br />

Northern Labrador, et.c , , must necesser-Lky be interested in t.heae matters, but I<br />

have never read or heard of any practical account of the movements or habits of<br />

the seals until they come on our coast the last veek i n Februar-y or early in March .<br />

Where do they go during the summer months? I mean the harps . And what has become<br />

of the numerous herds of hoods?<br />

We knov that to every old dog hood t hat vas<br />

killed t.be r-e were at least ten bitches. It vee no child's play to tackle an old<br />

dog hood , vhil s t it \M,S ccepar-atdve Iy easy vork' to dispose of the old female . The<br />

F:squimos on Labrador cou ld give valuable information about the movements of the<br />

eee'Le, but, I suppose , rev people took the trouble to ask them , and the very<br />

- pos s i bi lit y -of OUr rindiniaut full pa rttculars viII be when t~ *e;'~~2? vill- .. _~.~<br />

I • ~<br />

take a prominent place in travelling through the air at sixty or a hundred miles<br />

an hour, and we can purchase them aa cheaply as we can 8 black punt, at the present<br />

day . Natural ists and scientists have done much the past qua rter of a century, but<br />

t hey have exerted their<br />

t al en t s very little in ddeccverdng t he movements, habits<br />

and eve rything else connected vi t h seals. 1 t rus t it will not be like the tribe<br />

of Indians vhich V8B df ecover-ed by the novelist ~ey became extinct.

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