Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 7 -<br />

The food problem pr-esented no difficulties, the eubaar-fne campa Lgn hadn't<br />

quite dev eloped i t s elf then. Plen ty of stuff--tubs of jam and beane ,<br />

We had a ca nteen , but it was dry; nevertheless, the lemonade was no t<br />

spared<br />

after a l ong r oute march .<br />

I am not sure that the pe ople of St. J ohn' e quite realize d that we were<br />

eokdder-e pr eparing t o take an act ive par t 1n t he great uphea val. They seemed to<br />

look up on u s \lith the s ame curi osit y an d wonderment<br />

as t he y ....oul d on a party of<br />

Brigade BO'y8 J but vhen the ne ws vas sp r ead of our intend ed departure Overseae ,<br />

"'== op1n i on ~ ,opt imi st l c- a nd othenrlse , ":- were .f reely give n , and t he pub}';c ~ ri~l oajoh<br />

to l et us go . No doubt many had pictured 1n their imagination great battl es<br />

. wh.!r e _the~e ad and dying S008 of ~ ewfaund 1Jlnd were numerous; but i n our exci te-<br />

---~-- -- - -~-- - -----<br />

ment the future gav e us littl e thought .<br />

Our Kit and equipment lacked completion, but all were l ooki ng f orward to<br />

eometbfng better in Eng.Iand , and our appe ar -a nce wasn ' t going to mar our happdneaa-,<br />

ve had quite made up our minds on t ha t point .<br />

On t he af ternoon of Oct obe r<br />

3rd . , 191 4, the "Blul'l Puttees" marched away f ro:tl<br />

the i r ha ppy l i t t le home in Pleasantville to board the S .S . "Florizel" . Great<br />

cr owds of pe opl e blocked t he way, and it was with much difficult y 'We got through<br />

to the shfp,<br />

It Was then I knew the city had realize d that we were real ly<br />

601di er s . On the night of Oct obe r 4th., mi d t he bl oving of eyrene lind ringing of<br />

belle, our anc hors ver-e lifted lind 'We sail ed forth on the great adve nt ure.<br />

The f ollowing day lit<br />

noon the Canadian Contingent wa s afght.ed on t he horizon.<br />

Our ship pr oved to be t he smallest of the bunch, but you know the ol d saying-<br />

"There IS good stuff i n smal l parcels" . I suppos e i t is too late now to compl ai n<br />

about t he t r eatment a ccorde d us on our t rip a cr os s , but here is an outline : The<br />

atevar-de 'Were selling us pies for a dollar e a ch, a pple s seventy cents a doz en , Rod<br />

j am vater- t en cents a g.la es , How does that strike you , honest city folk ~ The<br />

cigarette and apple issues kept us smiling in spd t.e of the r ot ten food we were

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