Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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r an to the tror-t.h eo 85 to reap the benefdt of t.he taIE win(l:\ from the Spam.eh<br />

coa st, an d hav e e't Iong lee" do wn to t he shor-e t o Gi braltar. The next day and up<br />

the 5th. of November we had NIlE winds, and the s c hoone r seemed to be dn uni. ecn<br />

\lith us to get to our por t . I could form no Lde e of our exa ct posf.tdon, hut f r oll<br />

experie nce I judged that ve were well in t.ova r'de the di viding Lf ne beb veen Por tugal<br />

and Spain. The morning of the 5th. broke ckear- and f av or able f or us . We wer e all<br />

in good sp i rits- t wenty days f rom l a nd to land , t he ca pt ain 8 good a nd con edder-ate<br />

me et.e r -, t he cr-ev ha ppy find agreeable, all in good health, an d t he happy e s ca pe<br />

from a n enemy to that time vou'ld permit any cr-ev t o indul~e in the I'ond e st, hope s .<br />

But on the se e , A S Wl;'Il aa on t he l an d, t he be st, lai d plan s of raan go ba d , and<br />

t he brightest outl ook it; soon marred and dest.r-oyed by t he untov ar-d a nd unseen<br />

developments of ne tur-eI an d unnet ur-aL a gencies . Our br-Lghteet. hopes ver -e doomed ,<br />

a nd in a f ew mi nutes Al l our expectations ve re shet ter-ed to t he f our win ds of<br />

heaven , by the vor-et, enemy that could Rppp.3r and vhdch ve e t.hen furthest froo our<br />

mln d ~ . For, about 'tvo miles to the South of us appeared th". ominous sight of a<br />

submar-Ine • 'Iber -e-loi3 ~ "not , ce-vcouId t{~~~ ny r:ll.!ltak--e-:-in h-~ ;la :: .:t ,._ but,;- whether<br />

friend or f oe ve coul d not tell. We ve r-e not I ong in doubt . Wit hout any ceremony,<br />

t he euoma r-In e ~~~n t.o shell our schooner, shot after s hot p i tc~~nr. about her . The<br />

- • . __ ""-- "-- __"_. .., : . 'a-."." . " _ . ~"'-<br />

Hun:-; at, the :,;uns could not-:O:;: CQl!pliltftiltoo ' 00'<br />

• ~ - .<br />

t.he i r- .:sidll-their r ()I)t!ne ve a as<br />

- -<br />

bad as t heir menners , One of t he firl'lt sheLl.e blew our- hee d sails i nto rfbbcne ,<br />

an d t he shells wer e falling ever- and short o f us .<br />

The su bn ar-f ne vas dr-avfng up to ue , evidently to mAk~ sure of our destruction,<br />

a nd t o ee ve thei r ebame fit wasting :'10 much f\:ll."llUnition for t he sa ke .of one ~ mall<br />

ec hoo ner- , Then the aill got bet.ter- And condt.t.Lone be-cane hot.t.er- f or us . The capta.in<br />

gave us or-der-s to put the boat, on the r -edL, He \o1A ~ nt t.be v bee I t rying to shov t hc

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