Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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p'l uce in t.he morn ~nc . In tho afternoon n confirmation lJ 8 S he Id in t.he nev<br />

Church , t.11'" cendtduten bo-1nC prcsent.ed by the Archdeuc"n. One of the per-s on s t.ben<br />

confjrltl("ii Is no v pt. u vr-ry udvonced nee ~ti l l l i vlne a t St , Philip' n. St .<br />

"C& rl lJolo r rl~y l S ....ur. a t. l h:tf. time the only church on the South s fd e of Conception<br />

On J ul y 7th.., ] ~ 12 , Ddnhop I nelis consecr-e ted t.he fir ::;t church built at<br />

Por-t.ugu L COY~ . 'i'1I1:-; Chur ch vfH; built Iar-ge Ly t.hr-ougb the d.nst.r-ument.eId ty of the<br />

l a t~ Rev . T . H. tJooo , who, t he prevdou s yc or, ha d be-en s t.a t.Loned e t Fouc h Cove as<br />

Ar-cbdeecon '':i x !, !"~)!·el\:' f"d Hr. ,{ovd to Dif:hop I nelis { oJr or df na t.Ion e s- ;~ "c on i n tho:<br />

old church e t, St . ,Tohn t !; . One or two of Lhc office boo ks used on this occa edon<br />

NW c e scaj-cd .fh·e ~' J"\'J mi l c1t"\J end ere yet, & +~ tbe Cet.hedr-e L, I hne on- of then in<br />

my hand at, t he I)rc. ~r.. t ~on he Ld t ht:'" r~ Ls ot, Juue ,<br />

On th"!; inf.-,:-r)ol' ~·3 11 of t.ho:' porch of ~ h~ pr-es..nt. Chur-ch at Por-Lu ja I Cove ere<br />

t.vo br-s os tl":;blet~~ pI nce-d by Ar-chrteucon \.'ix 01'\ t.he ....e Ll.s of t.he olr), ~hurd~ to t he<br />

,<br />

me mot-y of 1..wo of h i~· chf Idr- e n , one ~ ho~v ; died i n H:'Ilifay., a nd t.be oth..r-, i'~f'ry<br />

-+!- -' - .~~<br />

In Ar c h (le !l c o r' : ~;: ~:' f : t:tri ro- ; " s-ervdce i:""s "h- lrl e t, Br-oed Cove in th~ h 011~e ·of !·:rs .<br />

Thi.!" fiuer:e:-:Lion v 'n l"ct ~ri upon by tnt" Co;runiLt.e e on n C il'l~ n ch. t l! re' f n 190/,.

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