Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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Off ice 1n this city, and<br />

- 5 -<br />

va s becomf ng a first-class operator when the call to arm:1<br />

resound through out t he Country.<br />

Although only 17 years of age, he looked 21, and<br />

(<br />

we rather think he said &0 1 a nyhow, he vas ac ce pted, and was amongs t the f i r st to<br />

don the khaki and shoulder a musket-his number being 38 on the r ole.<br />

He va e very<br />

ne ar be ing amongst t he first half-dozen to joi n.<br />

He served 'thr-ough t he Ga l lipol!<br />

campaign, an d wa s 'Wounde d on November 11th., 1915, in the r i ght ar m and l ef t<br />

knee<br />

by ehr-apne L, He entered Hos pi t a l Feby , 21st. , an d lef t Ayr a ga in for Fr ance,<br />

April 11t h., 1916. He t ook part i n the t erribl e and memorabl e battle of July Le't ,<br />

::-...::;.;..:::...:..-~ ---=:"----.::...<br />

at Beaumont llilmel , -: :-; r:;nt -';ith--t;;-ifegf;; n-t a t....:-t i:i=e·'E~ftles- of Ypres,Flere,-':· .~<br />

Guedecourt and Ginchy, and numer ou s skirmishes. He took part i n t he Oct obe r 12th.<br />

fight . Woun de d at Gincby' Nove mber 30th., 191 6, by shot s i n r i ght vri st an d thigh .<br />

Arrived in England Dec ember 7th., 191 6. Reported at Barry Depot July 4th . , 1917,<br />

and arrived back i n St . John I e Auetlst 4th• . Having mace these pr eliminary r emarks<br />

to show to those who CODe af ter u s t he stand ing of the young soldier an d the f ull<br />

confide nce t ha t is t o be place d i n his statements, which at a glance can be seen<br />

are t hose of a brave man, ve shal l nov take up the interesting a ccoun t of t he<br />

Newfoundland Regim en t from t he firs t day of i t s formation unti l Lance-CorpL, Ryan<br />

vae knocked out of the ranks by German shot s, and j ud ging from. eppeer-ence a, incapacitated<br />

f or t he fut ure in having the privi l eg e of returni ng the Huns the compllnebt<br />

of sending amongst t hem t he contents of his rifl." whi ch he so often did<br />

before.<br />

And now the LAnc e-C orpor al viII t ell his own stor y , and i t viII be noticed<br />

that he s peaks of his ow<br />

personal experience s, and mor e e t.;Jecially of his woun ds<br />

and sufferings, in such a manner t ha t one not acquainted with him would imag i ne<br />

t ha t he \188 only on a trouting expe di tion to Cochrane or FRnnyl s Pond , an d that<br />

his woun ds were receive d by acciden tally u pping his 'thuab wit h a t oy ha mmer in

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