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Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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III ·1'-1 5<br />

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1012 (By R...v . eM-non Sml th) 1012<br />

Sev e rrt y.-fdve yea r-s lIgo t .he ns rae of Archde .wocon \J:l.x va s a house-ho'ld v or -d tlmone<br />

Chu r-chnre n i n Ne vf cu nd'l and , At t.he pr e se nt. lime I kn ov of but on" pe t-son 'Who had<br />

a vi r-t.inct r ecollection of having seen MIll.<br />

Ed....ard Wix ve c born i n Encland, bu t<br />

gr-edu ated a nd t ook his degr-e e of H..A. a t Kine's Coll"Jge, v t nd s cr-, Nova Scotdu , He<br />

V8S or-dud ned at Halif ax , N. S . , by the Rt , Rev . J ohn I n~1i s D.D . 1n lR26. I n 1827<br />

he paid his first vi sit t o fi "J~oundland , co:ning h-ere e s chR.pl~in to Bishop IngId s ,<br />

In 1 ~29 he succe ed ed t.he Ven erable Geor-g e Coote r in the Archrleaconry of K"J....J'ound -,<br />

l e nd , and t he Inc umben c y of Bonevf s'tu , H e r emained but 8. rev reont.hs at B onevdst.a ,<br />

t 1:l.".inr. up h i s r -esdd ence 1n th"J au t umn of lC29 i n St . J ohn ' s , vbd ch he made h i s<br />

hea dq uer-t.er-s clurinc th\'! r-en a Lnder- of his at ny i n Ne vf'ound Ia nd ,<br />

I take t.be f ollo""i ng ext r a c t frOi~ a r e por t eede by th... Ar-chd eacon t o t 1:~<br />

S . P .G., i n lRJO , f 'r-oa vhf c h it a ppeer-s t.he t, in sddition to oner-ous c'I er-Lca L dut.y ,<br />

h I") had , in tho public tnt.er-est. , be-...n ro'HJ~ 'dne : " On t.be r-oad to Torbay 1 vas<br />

sev ereI days ee pIoyed , b ~for r: the s~ttine in of tho vfnt.er-, 1n company vfth D<br />

Roown CiJtholic cI er-gyman , V1''tfFn'''ffiTl y On~t':tmd Tee - o! o;r-'Cit!t~ f1..p': ":.~ , vOO ~ave<br />

eev e r -eI dflyli of grat u .it.ous "I nbor- to the r epe f r- of br ddge s , drainine of svampa and<br />

vee the super-Lor- I 'acd Lt t.y ....hieh it ....ould afford their cker-r-y for vldtine them" .<br />

Fr-oa t.he fir!l.l , the Archcleucon e nt .er-tedned .II ....ur-a Af f ect.ion f or i"ortU{:b1 Cove<br />

en d its people . In 18)0 hI": pur-chased fl, buildinp, t .be t, had b- e n on inn, Cl od nlterinr.<br />

an d MI,li nc: t.be r e t,o c onve r ted i t into iii church . This Church v us consec r-et ...d a nd

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