Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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15d led away before r -eechf ng back to ca mp that nieht.<br />

A bie hea d in t.he morning<br />

w e uEUal l y the out come of a perfect evening, but there wa s little u se<br />

of<br />

cODlplaining of such an ailment to the M.O.<br />

The wet canteen 'Was usually well<br />

pct r onized, and<br />

when a heavy v f nd bjev it dovn there was "Weeping Rod wailing and<br />

gna llhing of teeth" .<br />

The first division of Canadd ans and Newfoundland Regi ment , the vho j ,e in command<br />

of Br -fgadde r- General Allison, marched to West somewhere to await the arrival<br />

of Royal'lj-. ~ ~~t sa~ that were puDctual. because we vero ge t t i ng r -eady to go<br />

beck home eb en they di d arrive . The King a nd Queen, Lords Kilchener an d Rober-t,e,<br />

accompanied by many other note b'le e , held a hasty i n spect i on of a l l r anks; Hi s<br />

l-t:lj e s t y cave a short spe ech , welcomed the cO!ltingent ~o-~lan d , an d then bid us<br />

f are veId,<br />

Our nights at Pond For m ....ere paeeed very p'lea sa rrt Iy , The Y.M.C .A. bu t,<br />

clai med most of t he Third Brigade , and many happy hours were s pen t ther e .<br />

The Pr dnce as Patr i ci a ' s Cenadian Li ght<br />

Infllntry, vhc were mostly old Sout h<br />

Afri can lIVets" , ....as the first regiment to get or ders fo r active service . They ....ent<br />

t o Franc e , and r e ce i ved many a "cutting Up"<br />

before uny of t .he old battalions had<br />

f i nishe d their training .<br />

Our Camp at Pond Ferm , being i n a way<br />

dtvf et .on , ....e broke up , ....ent to Bu star d and<br />

i solated from the mai n part of the<br />

settled down in the line s left va cant<br />

by the P .P .C. L. I . Things ....ere full of life her e more so than at Pond FiirID; pl en t y<br />

of cant eens and I .M.C. A. hut.s , e l sa a moving picture show.<br />

Our hardships be gan<br />

here in the form of mud, f rost and r a i n . Revlelle being s ounded a t six, we wer e<br />

a l l obliged t o eet out on parade i n t he inky bka ckne as of t he mor ni ng . It was not<br />

ne ce ssary to fold your blanket!!, j ust stand thee up a gad nat, the t ent pol e end let<br />

them thaw. Pandemordura r eigned in camp at thiEi hour: one chap, with ", candl e in

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