Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 14 -<br />

later the cr-ovd ver-e svimmlng . The C.O . 's face va s • e'tudy, He was never more<br />

eurprised to s ee a Regim en t in ve t e r- at that eeaeon ,<br />

The peopl e of I:sirri. a nd Inverness shoved their apprechtion of our patrloti<br />

Slll by invitations to dances a nd e nt.e r -ta Inmente given In our honor . We ve r-e<br />

a11.,aY8 we l come in the Highl a nds 8 8 being the firat Col onial Regime nt to enter<br />

When the "Cardboua" were n i ck-named t he tlMillionaire Regdme nt," we were in the<br />

hei ght of our glor y . Sunda y night would see us l ol ling off in motor ca r s , eaoka ng<br />

cigarrl , and f!pee d~ g back t o t he Fort after -a recjdeee weeken d I n Inverness.<br />

Scot.tdeh Regiments e nvied us our good times, but the wei ght of our po ckets ve e not<br />

to be compar -ed vith the i rs on a Nonday morning, nor t he size of thei r head s either.<br />

Isolation eoo n told on us city cbapa -and ve l onge d f'or t he joy:! of t he toWIl ,<br />

so 'With the Spring gb.d news of our intended tran:!fer to Edi nbu r g was most pl eas-<br />

Ing , We vere all ve r y so r ry to leave the ol d Fort, bu t . neverbte'leaa , our de l ight<br />

on being Gent to Scot.Land t e. lovely ci t y knev no bounde ,<br />

Andesior gav e us a gr-eat, se nd off; Perth I S gr eeting va a a r epititlon of the<br />

cocdn g journey, Rod we arri ve d in Edinburgh late that a f ter noon. A Guard of Honor<br />

from "C" Compuny ( ....ho ha d lately arrived from cv ea-eewe) avad ted us a t t he Station ;<br />

also t he ~yor of the City, who ve Icoeed us with an e ddreea , He told us of t he<br />

honor co nf erred on us by the " Seottish Command" t hu t we were to gar -r- Lson the<br />

h mou l'l: Caet.Le during our stuy in Edinburgh . I t was really a n hon or , more e s pecially<br />

when \M ve r e acquadrrted of t he f act that our Regimen t was t he f i rst. other than<br />

Scotc h , t o enter there ednc e its restorat i on t o Scctda nd , Bu t rumors ....ere curr ent<br />

that many of the ol d folk disapproved of us bedng i n the ces t.I e , be ca u s e i t meant<br />

the abolit i on of their old custom; neverthe l ess , the maj ority of the pe ople ver-e<br />

both friendly a nd hoepft.abje t.ovar-de- us ,<br />

MyoId bar-ra ck r-ooa mates grouped to-

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