Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative

Untitled - Memorial University's Digital Archives Initiative


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- 4-<br />

In further proof of our a s se r t i on Hie: Majesty has also be en<br />

pleased to redse<br />

our country to the posit.lon of a Dominion, and thus we rank with Canada , Australia ,<br />

(<br />

and New zea I e nd , and a l l those honor-s are the outcome of tho he r oic co nduct, t ho<br />

invincible va l or end the brilliant patriotism displayed by our immortal Reglm-ent<br />

on tho fiel d of battle and un der the eye s of the great Commander_l n-Chie f , Sir<br />

Douglas Haig. Nor 1 s Gr ea t Britsin alone 1n reco gnizing t he her-of sra an d valor of<br />

our brave boys--our Ne wfoundland so ldiers. Italy, France and Russia hav e also<br />

be stowed honors upon individual members of the Regiment by avar- ddng them medals<br />

for valor and publicly " acknov'ledgdng their worth In the official not ices issued<br />

by t heir respect i ve War Offices, 85 ve Lk as published through the pr e ee of 'these<br />

-e oun t .rde e ,<br />

To return to tl:e active part that our YO\L'1g hero, Lanc e Corporal Ryan , took<br />

i n the 'War . We shall give a brief ske t ch or synopsde of his ·ca r e er , a nd the n<br />

aj.Iov hi :n to speak f or himself, and t ell 'the story of the N ~ \lfound h. nd R ~gimen t<br />

in his own \lay and in hi" own vor-de , because , a f ter<br />

&11 , no pers on Le be t ter<br />

qua lifl ~d t o deecrdbe events than the person who &ctively par t icipated i n t hen,<br />

an d Lance CarpI Ryan , being an ex-pupi l<br />

of St. Pat.rdck! s Hall Christ i an Brothers'<br />

Scho ols, i s 'Well able t o do so , although t his i s his first<br />

attempt, and ne ver ha d<br />

any Regiment greate r t rouble to storm. a German t r ench t han ve had i n indu c i ng our<br />

young hero to give his fellow-countrymen a t rue an d inter esting eket.c h of t he<br />

deeds and adverrture a of the Nevfcund.land Regfmerrt, of which he vas one of the<br />

first to Join up.<br />

Briefly, Lance-Corporal Ryan vee bor n i n st. John ' s , an d being descend e d<br />

from a race of fisherm en a nd £eal- Jd ller s , i t came na t ural t o him t o t r y his hand<br />

a t ehootdng a nd batting Germans, Just a s his an ce stors shot a nd batted old hoods<br />

and harps in t he ne ighborhood of t he Funke or W'&dhams in ye ars gon e by .<br />

Aft er<br />

leav i ng St. Patrick- e Schools he e nter e d the Anelo-American Telegraph Com;>llny's

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